Chapter 10

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3rd person POV

"Read them, I think it's time I stop depriving my heart of what it truly wants," Lisa said glancing deeply into the eyes of the brunette.

Jennie felt her heart skip a beat or maybe it stopped beating the moment the taller girl pressed her lips against hers, she was pretty sure she was dreaming because there's no way she just spent half an hour on her best friend's lap kissing her as if the air in her lungs were gonna burn out if she didn't.

Lisa smiled up at Jennie's expression and pressed her lips against Jennie's again in a soft but heart-wrenching kiss "Go on, Nini, open it" Lisa pressed when Jennie sat unmovingly.

Jennie was sure she was in heaven because Lisa just kissed her again as If she couldn't get enough of her, or maybe it was her who couldn't get enough, either way, this was an amazing feeling and If she was indeed dreaming, she doesn't want to be woken.

Little did she know Lisa was feeling the same but the brunette always did seem to not notice Lisa's true feelings, or maybe she did and just did not wanna put her hope up in case she was wrong.

Gathering all bravery she had she took the envelopes out of the box and noticed there were 12 envelopes each had a date and order she read through the letters feeling nostalgic, in the letters they were moments of when they hung out when they were still kids almost like it was Lisa's diary. While she was reading Lisa leaned her back on the headboard halfway through the 5th letter Jennie placed her head on Lisa's chest, and she pressed a short kiss to her lips, which had Lisa grinning up at her before continuing to read. They really couldn't get enough of each other.

She was starting to read the 7th letter that one had a different vibe than all the other ones.

March 27, 2010

Today is my birthday, I'm so excited I'm gonna turn 14 yay, I'm not sure what I'm doing today but we have no school and Jennie is supposed to come over to spend the day, Rosie's in Australia for spring break, she comes back the day after tomorrow.

Between you and me I'm really happy that I can spend time with Jennie without anyone disturbing us because then we can cuddle ( she loves cuddling unlike my other friends) we can binge-watch Disney and she won't call me childish, she really is my best friend because I can be my true self around her and she won't even judge me.

She's really pretty, smart, funny and she sometimes acts like a baby but she's really responsible, she always reminds me to eat and clean my room, to summon it all I'm really glad I met her, I have only known her for 7 months but I already know we are gonna be friends forever.

That may sound childish but Jennie says it's good to have your inner child.

Jennie smiled as she read the letter, she turned the page around and saw there was more written on the back, she paused reading a bit to cuddle into Lisa more. The taller girl hummed and put her arms around the brunette's waist. "Do you remember that day?" Lisa asked quietly not wanting to disturb the calm silence around them, Jennie hummed and turned to look at Lisa, she was met by an impossibly soft kiss, she sighed in contentment and pressed herself more into Lisa, who was enjoying the softness and warm skin of the woman next to her.

"Yeah, Of course, I do. We ate so much Ice cream and Thai takeout, and we spent the day swimming in your pool, then I stayed over and we stayed up all night," Jennie said recalling the fun day they had, Lisa chuckled and pressed a kiss on top of Jennie's head "Yeah that was fun, Continue reading" Lisa instructed and Jennie obeyed.

March 28, 2010

Yesterday was a really fun day thanks to Jennie. I had the best birthday ever ( don't tell Rosie ), she got us matching necklaces, mine has a Lily flower next to my nickname and hers had a camera next to her nickname, and she also got me a custom made Cartier ring in the shape of a sunflower, I had to hold back tears, don't tell that to Jennie.

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