Chapter 12

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Jennie's Pov 

Thursday, November 15, 2020- 06:30 am KST

Jennie started waking up to soft kisses being pressed against her face, she groaned loudly and moved away from the source of her sweet torture, the person chuckled and moved closer to her, and they started pressing kisses to her neck again.

What in the devil? Is it too much to ask for peaceful sleep? She thought to herself.

Jennie groaned again and pushed the person away from her, she heard a giggle "Nini?" Lisa said and Jennie hummed in acknowledgement and curled herself around Lisa's warm body still refusing to open her eyes.

"Nini baby, it's time to get up" Lisa murmurs against her ear, "Hmm?" Jennie hummed again, sinking further into Lisa's warm embrace.

"Baby, I hate to disturb your sleep but our flight is in 3 hours, we need to get ready," Lisa told her, Jennie reluctantly opened her eyes and was welcomed by the deep blue lighting of the room, she brought her hands to her eyes and rubbed the sleep out. She blinked a couple of times till her sight cleared and she saw Lisa looking at her with a lazy and adoring smile.

"Morning," Lisa said a bit too cheerfully for Jennie, she blinked again and averted her eyes to the clock on her bedside table. She sighed once she saw it was 4 am, she looked back at Lisa.

"Hi-" she said with her voice breaking off mid-sentence, she cleared her throat and said once again "Hi" Lisa smiled and leaned down, and she pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

"Morning Honey," Lisa said sweetly once she pulled away, the first time Lisa had called her honey Jennie had almost cried as ridiculous as it sounds, she melted like jelly once again, she smiled sheepishly and curled up further against Lisa "I like when you call me that," she admitted still smiling and slightly shy.

Lisa laughed and brought her palm to Jennie's cheek "Really?" she asked as she caressed her cheek, Jennie nodded with a silly gummy smile that made her eyes squint, and made her whole face so, so adorable, Lisa smiled back at her "Well then I should call you that from now on" she said with a smirk.

Jennie reddened and bit the inside of her cheek, she ducked her head under Lisa's chin and encircled her arms around her waist. She was surprised once she came in contact with a smooth robe that was sticking to Lisa's slim waist, Lisa just showered she thought.

"I would prefer you call me yours," she muttered under her breath but Lisa had heard her, the ladders heart skipped a beat "Really?" she asked excitedly, Jennie startled at the thought of Lisa having listened to her.

"What?" she asked back nervously but Lisa was having none of it she had waited too long for Jennie to be hers, she pulled back the hug and took Jennie's face into her hands, "Baby, Nini, Honey~" she sing-called making Jennie blush while letting out a whisper of 'yes' "Would please tell me what you said?" she asked with pleading eyes and a cute frown.

Jennie bit her lip as she sighed in defeat "I said I would rather you call me yours," Jennie said softly almost as if afraid to have said the wrong thing, Lisa smiled and said, "Well that's what I'll call you then, mine, does that make me yours?"

Jennie shuddered at Lisa's words and hid her head once again under Lisa's chin, she nodded her head and let out a quiet 'yes'

"Perfect! you're mine and I'm yours, can this morning get any better!" Lisa exclaimed while wrapping her arms around Jennie.

Jennie nods again and presses a kiss to Lisa's jaw, they stay laying in each other's embrace till Lisa's phone starts ringing, and she reaches out to turn off the alarm.

-THAT WAY- JenLisa AU Where stories live. Discover now