Chapter 1

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It was warm. A little warmer than she remembered if her muddled brain cared to remember. Where was she? Why did she feel as if she were floating? No, not floating but more like rocking as if she were on a boat? A gust of cold air hit her face making her weakly turn her face towards the source of the warmth. She smelt something like leather, musk, iron, and was that a hint of Chamomile? The scent reminded her of strength as funny as it sounded. That thought itself made a weak laugh escape her but the force of it made her ribs hurt like a sonofabitch and it drew a shaky whimper from her lips. The arm that was wrapped around her repositioned her a little bit until the cover of a blanket or fabric of some sort was draped a little better around her and the arm secured itself more firmly around her frame. A soft rumbling and muscular 'easy' was heard even above the sound of the wind. She gave a soft sigh and allowed herself to press her face against cold leather and let her mind drift away. It took a moment before she realized that the rocking had stopped and her tired and pale face lifted from the press of leather against her cheek to look up with a blurry vision around her. She concluded that it was still nighttime due to the darkness around her that hinted at a blue hint; was it turning into morning already? How long had she been out cold? Her neck felt like jelly on her shoulders as it lulled her head as movement caught the corner of her vision to see a hooded figure gently pull her down from on top of something. A horse? Oh that's right there had been a horse in the woods earlier hadn't there? How long ago was that though? She swore that she was a goner when her eyes finally fell shut. But she was alive. As alive as she could be though with how much her entire body hurt like hell. 

The figure cradled her in his arms bridal style and marched through a doorway out of the snow allowing the warmth of the building to engulf them both and give them a chance to thaw from the snow outside. Olivia audible sighed in relief at the feeling of warmth that seeped into her ice-cold frame and allowed her head to rest back against the stranger's chest that carried her. The room smelled like a combination of beer, sweaty men, and bread. But it was also rather noisy from all the patrons in the room. Not that Olivia cared as she soaked up all the warmth she could; she was shaking so much that the man carrying her had to tighten his grip in hopes to warm her up quicker. His voice; deep and raspy spoke over her head to the bartender but his words went over her head as she was still half delusional from blood loss, near frostbitten, and generally lethargic feeling going on around her head. 

"Single room with a bath, please." the man's voice spoke lowly to the barkeep who looked over at the hooded figure and raised a brow seeing the figure of the young woman cradled against his chest. 

"Of course, I'll have some supper brought up for you two as well." he offered, tipping his head towards a young woman who nodded in return and rushed to go prepare the room for their guests. 

"Thank you." the hooded figure replied following the woman up the stairs and down a hall towards a wooden door at the end of the hallway where the young woman unlocked the door and bustled inside. 

Olivia felt herself be carried inside and moments later her back was pressed against a soft surface and she sighed in contentment realizing that she was lying in a bed. A heavy cover was placed over her and she heard rustling around in the room as the barkeep's wife began stoking the fire and getting hot water into a tub for them. Nothing was said during this time so Olivia felt like the ambiance of relaxing sounds was going to drive her into slumber. A slumber that was soon interrupted by a hand on her head brushing aside her hair. She winced in her sleep and pulled her head away but the hand was firm but gentle as it held her head still. Something wet and cold was pressed to her forehead and besides the cold that she came straight out of the coolness of the rag against her forehead cooled down the heat of her skin. Was she suffering from a fever? 

"Hmm." a manly hum was all that she heard as the rag was dabbed at her forehead. 

"Sir, if you'd like I can find a healer for your wife?" the timid voice of a female asked by Olivia's side.

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