Chapter 10

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The sun was just peaking over the horizon casting its orange glow across the lands making things look like black shapes in the distance until the sun could rise higher. It was getting to the warmer weather so she didn't need the cloak much anymore. Allowing the cool but not cold breeze to cascade along her cheeks as the gentle plodding rocked her idly as she sat on top of Thor's back. It was a peaceful sunrise for them as the two horses plodded after each other along the path carrying their riders dutifully. It wasn't until a voice broke the serene atmosphere with a curious question. 

"How can you see where you're going with your nose in a book?" Olivia casually licked a finger and turned the page of the journal. Squinting more at the scribbles on the pages. 

"Because I do not need my eyes to tell Thor where to go. He's just following Roach's lead so I'm just here for the ride," she replied calmly to Cirilla's question.

"Anything new in there?" Cirilla piped up again after a few moments of silence.

"Nope," Olivia replied sighing, not so much for the questions being thrown at her but more of the truth that she indeed had no clue what the book held for her even still after a few weeks of studying it back to front. 

"What's your interesting in that old tomb anyways?" Geralt grunted throwing himself into the conversation as he held onto Roach's reigns so that he could lead the mare along the path ahead with Cirilla perched in the saddle in front of him.

Olivia peeked over the rim of the book with a mischievous smile as she replied. "It's my witch book Geralt. I'm learning magic." she did fluttering fingers not even caring to hold onto Thor's reigns and instead allowing them to be lax hanging over his neck. 

He grunted in mild amusement even if he didn't want to show it and instead looked away from her towards the lands ahead. He couldn't hide the tiny quirk of his lips though, not from Olivia at least. In truth, Olivia was thinking that perhaps it was some sort of magical book. It was in a language she didn't recognize for one thing. Hell, it could be Arabic and she wouldn't have been any the wiser. She'd been searching every village they'd come across for some sort of mage or perhaps a sort of historian that would be able to help along the way without much luck and no real leads worth trying after. That was the most frustrating part. Little did she know that perhaps her luck would turn out for the better. As the trio traveled through another village and stopped for the night for lodgings Olivia found herself in the villager's tavern with a pint of ale in front of her as she stared blankly at the journal in frustration. Geralt was out tending to the horses and Cirilla was already upstairs in their shared room for the night taking a bath. 

A movement across from her made Olivia peel her gaze from the text to stare at a man sitting across from her. He was a small man in stature. Shorter than her even with unruly ginger hair all over the place well past his shoulders and a matching ginger beard just as wild and unkempt as the head on top of his head. He looked the part of some drunken hillbilly who lived in the worst part of the village. But he didn't look like the typical greasy type of man who wanted only one thing from a woman. It was his eyes and the wrinkles on his face. They were bright and alert; kind even in their way. Something that most people probably overlooked at first glance. But Olivia saw it. She saw those deep grey eyes looking at her not only with curiosity but something in them that lulled her into a mindset that she could trust such a stranger. He'd plopped his ass in the chair across from her along with the large mug of ale on top of the table which had drawn her attention from her book. She blinked at him unsure of what he wanted until the silence got too awkward and she contemplated making an excuse and bolting. But it was his voice that stopped her; gruff and grumpy but not unkind she gathered by the twinkle in his eye as he looked at her.

"I hear you be looking for a mage lassy."

She narrowed her gaze at him a little bit. "I am. Do you know of one or are you just wasting my time?" she questioned bluntly with a tip of her chin. 

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