Chapter 9

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"Well fuck."

she received a look of confusion from the princess while a disapproving look from the witcher. She just sat there confused as hell and suddenly not as confident as she had been moments before. She thought this was it. She remembered this was the last of the season; had she written more than that even after the last episode and she wasn't aware? She didn't understand why she wasn't shifting back to her world but the lack of magic or abracadabra shit that should have zipped her to her universe and her reality timeline was concerning her. She could pretend that she was some powerful and wonderful main character of a story when it was coming from her writing. But the ink on her paper was long dried up and finished with a capital period to end the story with THE END. So what the hell was going on?

"Are you okay Olivia?" Cirilla asked looking a little concerned at the shell-shocked expression on the older girl's face. 

Olivia swallowed thickly and forced a smile that did nothing but portray her panic. Was the world spinning or was she about to pass out? She didn't quite know. Oh, it's tilting now wonderful not like she didn't have vertigo before. 

"Shit, Olivia!" strong arms wrapped around her as she dizzily slid from the top of her horse's back.

Geralt winced as his bad leg had to bend to kneel as he caught his companion from flopping like a dead fish on the ground. Cirilla peered over his shoulder as Olivia's blue eyes stared up at the sky for a moment trying to gather her bearings. She looked pained and pale at the same time but Geralt saw no injury on her. Her behavior was concerning; until those beautiful blue eyes focused on his face and realization and recognization dawned on her face as she gave a shaky smile as an awkward laugh escaped her lips. 

"Geralt...hi." he raised a brow down at her and grimaced. 

"Hi," he replied watching as she scrambled from his lap and rose to her feet while brushing the dirt from her pants. 

She seemed to gather her bearings and looked down at the still kneeling witcher. Realization hit her face as her gaze fell onto the white wrapping around his thigh that was starting to ink red from the blood seeping through his wound. His fast movements of catching her and kneeling to place her on the ground must have reopened his wound. Guilt tugged at her heart as she knelt in front of him and frantically tore off her cloak to try and stop the bleeding with it. Her hands shook as they held the fabric in place until two large hands grabbed her wrists to make her look up into the golden eyes of the witcher. 

"Olivia, stop," he said firmly but there was a gentleness even in his touch. "Are you okay?" he asked searching her face. 

She forced a smile that quivered a little bit as she nodded in tiny bobbles as she looked at his face; her attempt to keep the panic from rising in her chest. "I'm okay. Are you okay?" she asked. 

"You don't look too good Olivia," Cirilla spoke up softly pointing out how pale the older woman looked a little more than usual. 

"Oh me? No worries, it's just cold out here!" Olivia replied pulling her hands away from Geralt and rising to her feet. "Come on, you can take my horse back to the house." 

The witcher rose to his feet; collecting her cloak under his arm but instead of hopping on the horse he helped Cirilla up on Thor's back and motioned for Olivia to hop on but instead she ducked under one of his arms and wrapped it around her neck while wrapping her free arm around his waist to help prop him up as they walked. Her mind was elsewhere to the point that she hadn't even realized the looks the witcher was giving her on the walk back to Goldencheek's home. When they finally arrived the witcher seemed to be a little out of breath which was unusual for the man with stamina akin to a god but Olivia didn't say anything and instead helped him inside the house to be able to sit him on one of the chairs in the kitchen. Not even paying Goldencheeks any mind as she fluttered around worried for the witcher's health. Brewing hot water as instructed by Olivia whenever requested and got some clean cloth to wrap the wound with. Yurga the merchant that had helped bring Geralt was standing to the side looking unsure of what to do the entire time while Cirilla sat across from the table looking at all of the mini jars filled with odd-looking liquids and clusters of herbs and plants in front of her. 

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