Chapter 4

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How long had it been since she first began to travel with these two? Did time move faster here than it did in real life? She could always ask how long it had been; days muddling together was not an uncommon occurrence for anyone having fun or so they say. She hated to think about it but she didn't know what timespan she came in on or how long it'd been from that pinpoint that she first met Geralt and Jaskier. Could have been weeks, months, hell could have been years and she would not have been any the wiser. Olivia poked at the stew in her bowl with the wooden spoon with an ever-growing crease of worry and contemplation on her face as she stared into her bowl as if it would somehow give her the answers. The vague sense of music and a familiar voice lilting a tune in the background could be heard but Olivia wasn't even paying attention to whatever it was Jaskier was playing tonight. She sat at the bar feeling as uncomfortable as an outsider in this tavern. Something just irked under her skin sitting there. It was not the looks the men gave her way as she sat there minding her own business; she was used to the staring by this point. It was not even the attempts of the tavern owner as he attempted to start a conversation with her. It was the fact that Geralt had left again muttering about a monster hunt but she knew better; her gut knew better as she thought it over fully. He wasn't going to go on a hunt. He just needed space. Whatever he had encountered in the city of Cintra that had gotten under his skin was bothering him for some reason. She didn't blame him. Poor man held so much stress on his shoulders enough as it was.  Olivia was just not fond of being thrown aside like that after all this time as a trio. Jaskier had no problem with it but granted he and Geralt had been together for a good span of 15+ years already before she ever came along. That much she'd gathered just listening and watching the two. 

"If you keep looking into that bowl of stew you might just  find what you're looking for." A teasing voice broke her deep focus and she looked up startled to find Jaskier sitting beside her with a mug of ale in his hands; taking a breather from his last musical set. She could see the slight sheen of sweat on his forehead that got some of his curls damp around his temples. Man, he did love his music.

She forced a smile and shook her head. "I was debating whether I'm hungry or not. Here, you can have it." she pushed the bowl over towards the man whose face turned a little sour as he looked at her. 

"Are you okay Beauty?" he asked tipping his head to look at her face better. 

"I'm fine...just, what day is it?" she asked looking over at him. 

Jaskier raised a brow as he replied stating as a matter of fact that it was Wednesday. Olivia shook her head and repeated her question. "I know this will sound weird but how long have I been with you and Geralt?" she asked looking at him intently. 

Jaskier looked back at her oddly. "Are you okay? Are you feeling well?" he rested his palm on her forehead to test her temperature and she dodged his hand with a scowl. 

"Jaskier I'm serious!" she protested firmly. 

The bard looked at her realizing that she was indeed serious. Something was on her mind and it was bothering her. So he cautiously lowered his hand and leaned on the tabletop to study her face. "It's been almost 4 years Beauty," he said carefully wondering what had gotten her so riled up.

4 years. 4 years in this place and she didn't even realize it. She gave a shaky smile and nodded her thanks before standing from the chair and heading out the door. Ignoring Jaskier's call of her name. 4 years here meant how many in the real world though? How did time work? Olivia had made it a point to try and remember exactly what she'd written in her manuscript in her drunken haze back home but she was coming up blank. If she remembered anything though; most of it was just drabble. Nothing of importance that had her fumbling around in here for. Had she put herself in any great events that would change history or was it something petty like a day in the life of Olivia traveling with Geralt and Jaskier? She couldn't remember and it was starting to send her into a spiral of madness just thinking about it because the more she spent time here the less she had the will to give time to find a way back home. The dark-haired woman found herself in the stables next door to the tavern. She reached out a hand to pet a dark nose of a curious head that peeked from its stall. 

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