Chapter 8

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The barn they entered wasn't anything special but it beat any public tavern stables any day because at least someone took better care of it if the four stalls of clean and neat hay had anything to say about it. One stall was already occupied by a grey-white horse that looked oddly familiar but Olivia didn't say anything as the boy halted the wagon and climbed down from the driver's seat to begin to untack the brown mare from her burden. Olivia didn't say a word as she slid out of her saddle and grabbed the reigns looking around not knowing what to do. Was it normal for a strange teen to just find a strange woman in a public stall and order her to come home with him? Of course not, but the boy didn't mean any harm. She could already tell that much as he looked up from where he was busy hauling the harness off of the tired-looking mare to address her. 

"You can untack your horse and put him in one of the other stalls that aren't being used." Olivia gave a small smile of thanks and nodded as she led Thor past the boy to the very end stall away from the other two horses. 

She peeked inside the stall at the back of the barn before unlatching the lock and swinging the wooden door open to allow Thor inside. As the dark-haired woman walked inside she caught the sight of a figure of a woman rushing inside of the barn looking relieved when she saw the boy; she had yet to spot Olivia but the traveler could hear what was being said. 

"I'm okay mom. I made it home in time. I brought with me this girl who I found in the public stables. I didn't want to leave her there in case the army came through the town and destroyed stuff you know?" 

Olivia peeked her head over the stall door just in time to catch the eyes of the older woman who looked tired but relieved. That looked turned to curiosity in her kind eyes as she spoke addressing her son and half speaking to her as she stared at Olivia despite her words being meant for her son. 

"That's alright Sulik. The more the merrier; you did good dear," she replied before turning to look at her boy and give him a motherly smile as she touched his cheek in only a way that a doting mother would have the compacity to do. 

When the woman finally turned to look at Olivia again she walked over to the stall and peeked inside at the black stallion before addressing Olivia. Up close the dark-haired beauty realized why the woman looked so familiar. It was the same woman that she'd seen earlier in the market who'd helped Ciri. Of course, Olivia wouldn't reveal that tidbit. 

"You're not the first to take shelter with us. We don't have much but we do have roof to sleep under and some food inside the house if you'd like a bowl of stew?" the woman offered kindly. 

Olivia's stomach gurgled a little at the prospect of food which embarrassingly so was loud enough for the woman to hear who gave a tinkling laugh. Her brown eyes turned up at the corners with laughter as her eyes twinkled with a motherly warmth that Olivia hadn't experienced since she'd come into this world. Embarrassed Olivia ducked her head almost shyly. 

"That sounds great, thank you. I just have to finish untacking Thor and I'll-" the woman waved her off and shook her head. 

"Oh no, don't worry about your horse. My boy Sulik can take care of him for you, and your dog as well. Come on inside, there's another here who much like you are a stranger in our town so perhaps you can bond and make each other feel at home." the woman joked as she looped an arm around Olivia's shoulders despite the woman being slightly shorter than the dark-haired beauty. 

Olivia gave a half-smile realizing just who she meant but said nothing at all and instead followed the motherly lady out of the barn into the night. "I'm Goldencheeks by the way!" the woman said introducing herself as they walked. 

"Olivia, nice to meet you." what a funny name for the woman but it seemed to suit her kind face; she had never met or even thought that anyone would be named like Goldencheeks. She thought it was a nickname of sorts cause surely no one would name their daughter that? Who knew, Olivia didn't have the room to judge this woman.

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