Chapter 2

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She should have brought a jacket or cloak. Something that help her bite back the cold that nipped at her skin. With just a thin shirt that most likely; no most definitely was Geralt's and her pair of leggings that she'd woken up wearing. But without a jacket, gloves, hat, and maybe boots to help keep herself just slightly warmer she knew she wouldn't last long. Her idiot's brain hadn't even thought of the weather. It was winter after all but all the excitement that she'd been through had derailed her common sense. The entire situation made it hard for her to act rationally. She was used to be the one to act rational and with a strong head on her shoulders because she was relied on by many back in her reality but here...she felt as if she was nothing but a brainless idiot wandering the forests. She breathed in the cold air and looked around at the forest; it hadn't looked so scary in the light as it did during the night but she knew just what kind of creatures lurked in these woods. She had to find him though. If anything, her only purpose was to find Killua; the one thing in this world that was familiar to her from her reality. When she would find him she'd figure out the rest of it all. She remembered in her fever-hazed brain that Geralt had said that Killua was in the woods. So she'd just have to find him. 

She did not know how long she had traveled through the forest; cold feet crunching twigs and leaves beneath them and she knew her stupidity would be the death of her or the loss of her feet as she looked down at the pale and dirty appendages. How did no one realize that she was only half-dressed and not said anything? Well, no one expected her to just run off after starting a fight either. God, she was an idiot. She wondered if she would be able to survive in the woods by herself. She'd have to build herself a house or if she had any luck she'd find an abandoned home somewhere in the woods to be able to hide away in until she found a way back home. It wasn't like she hadn't been camping before so she knew how to survive...well if she had supplies, that is. She didn't. She barely had any clothes and with this season biting at her skin she knew she had to do something and fast. Olivia had been so deep in her thoughts she hadn't seen where she had been walking and like the classic damsel in distress with the worst type of cringe reaction her foot met air instead of ground and she was pitched forward into space. Her blue eyes widened when she looked down to find a long fall down a rocky hillside and in her panic she flung her arm up and grabbed onto a branch of an old tree that had fallen and gotten caught between a half-sprouted tree and a rock. 

A small scream left her throat as she flayed in the air a few moments before she clasped her other hand onto the branch. Her fingers were hurting her from the cold and her strength was not fully recovered from her injury and illness so she knew in her gut it would be only a matter of minutes before her frozen fingers would break their hold and she'd fall to her unsavory doom of tumbling down a cliff face like some unimportant character in a horror story that would be killed off first. Her side flared up in pain again at the stretch and strain her body was forced into due to her lack of mindfulness and she swore in that exact moment that if she miraculously survived then she'd do whatever it took to change herself and do better. Her eyes filled with tears as she closed them tightly so she would not look down at her impending doom. She always found it rather funny how people referenced such things as 'life flashing before their eyes at the moment before impending death scenarios in movies but as she hung there minutes before her own she realized that it was not funny at all because although there was no cinematic replay of her entire life rolling behind her eyelids she did have shocks of her most treasured memories in her life that was a stepping stone to where she came. Meeting McKenzie as little girls; pulling at each other's hair, they became best friends and shared so many good memories. Her mother's lovely voice sang her lullabies as a little girl to help her sleep, memories of her father as he took her out for a ride on a nice summer day on his motorcycle. Camping trips with her high school kids. Falling in love with her first crush in high school and although it broke her heart in the end; the strength she gained in her confidence was a lesson well learned. While her Grandfather gave her Killua as a pup that he'd found whilst hunting one day. While memories of her grandmother teaching her to play guitar and piano; encourage her to be more confident in her talents.

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