On Their Way

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Now that the two had that little dispute settled, they were now on their way to the next checkpoint, a village that is just up ahead!
Milk Cookie, unlike Purple Yam, seemed happy to be making their way to the village. Who knows what could be waiting for them there? It's always a gamble with each village they come across, but so far, nothing all that bad has happened, thankfully.

Purple Yam Cookie, well, he just looked irritated with a hint of boredom. "WHY do we HAVE TO GO to ANOTHER village? Can't WE just SKIP IT?" He asked while he glared down at Milk.

Milk let out a slight giggle. "Skip? No, no, Purple Yam. We can't skip it, it's a checkpoint!" He reminded. "Why would you want to skip it, anyway?"

Purple Yam let out a huge huff. "GEE, I DON'T KNOW, maybe because we HARDLY do anything?" Yam crossed his arms as his eyebrows furrowed a bit more.

Grabbing more of his attention, Milk slightly looked over at Yam. "What do you mean? There's always something to do."

"YOU have SOMETHING TO DO, not ME." Purple Yam said, letting out a small grunt.

Ah, looks like they're back at square one. Milk Cookie let out a brief sigh before he rubbed his chin. Back to the thinking board, it seems.
"Hmm... Ok, here's what we can do. We can try to do something together once we get there! How does getting something to eat there sound?" Milk suggested.

Purple Yam wasn't all that amused by the idea, but even then, the idea did form a little smile on his face. The idea may not be the greatest, but the cookie adores Milk's effort, and aside from the endless anger in Yam, it just made him feel warmer. "Yeah, I WOULD like that. Really like that."

Even if Milk couldn't get a good view of Yam's face, judging from his voice sounding slightly calmer than usual, saying that Milk was delighted would be an understatement. It made the little guy more cheerful than usual, and even though that's not a rare occurrence, it still felt nice to Milk that he managed to make Purple Yam less angry.

"Now everything's settled! Let's continue on our quest!" Milk Cookie said as steered his attention back on the path, now walking a tad bit faster. "What do you think they might have over there? I hope they have tart jampies over there!"

Yam wasn't really a fan of jampies, but he always found them tolerable, so he just simply gave Milk Cookie a shrug. "DON'T know, anything HOT would be good."

Milk wasn't surprised at that answer, for such a hotheaded guy, why wouldn't he like something hot?
Anyways, the two continued on their way to the checkpoint. Unlike last time, Purple Yam was standing next to Milk instead of behind him.

It was such a great feeling for the both of them, finally getting to do something together for Pure Vanilla knows how long. Now the two can strengthen their relationship without a certain someone being too busy or falling asleep before they get the chance to do anything together.

Purple Yam hoped that nothing will ruin their moment once they get there.
Milk hoped that he doesn't ruin anything once they get there.

The Adventures of Milk Cookie and Purple Yam!(Cookie Run)Where stories live. Discover now