two ~ i don't know him

187 8 27

Dream's POV

I glance at George as Sapnap begins talking to Quackity. He looked uncomfortable to say the least, fidgeting with a string that hung loose on his shirt.

I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder. He stops messing with the string as his body becomes rigged. He froze before relaxing a bit, "we're supposed to open in five minutes." He whispers. I shut my eyes and nod, "I regret waking up early now."

George chuckles, starting to roll the string around his finger again, "I told you so."

After another minute or two, his finger taps on my hand, "we have to begin opening."

"Just another minute." He shrugs my head off, laughing when I immediately sat up.

"No, idiot, I have to do stuff."

"Come on, Darling, please." He rolls his eyes as he gets up and heads towards his designated area, turning on the 'open' signs and starting to organize everything on the front desk.

"Oh, darling." Quackity dramatically falls backwards on Sapnap,

"oh my god, I'm so in love with you." Karl follows, all of them laughing in the process.

"I'm not in love with him." I mutter under my breath as a I get up from my spot.

"yeah, right, dude."

I wouldn't say I'm 'in love' with George. Yeah, he's amazing. He's really amazing. He makes me laugh, and I always get this small twist in my stomach thinking about even a little bit of extra time with him.

I like George, but I'm not 'in love' with him. No way.

"Welcome to Bill's Books!" I look towards the door, surprised to have customers so quickly after opening.

"I have to do my job now."

"Yeah, kissing your boyfriend." Sapnap teases, which earns him a smack in the back of his head.

"Just get out." I laugh.

- - -

I spin around in the chair, groaning again. Business was slow and I begin growing bored. The book I was reading all day was starting to bore me.


"Dreammm" he responds, using the exact sing-songy voice I was. He was busy, though, walking past me.

"I'm bored."

"What happened to reading your book?" He still didn't look up from the screen, typing something in.

"That's boring." George only hums in response, not really paying attention.

"George" I annoy again.

"I'm busy, sweetheart."

The familiar churn twists in my stomach at the words. They have been lately. We used to just use those nicknames because everyone thought we were dating. George said that he hated couples that would use cheesy nicknames, so as a joke we started saying them.

"But George-" he finally gives me his attention, stopping the chair from spinning again.

"you're making me dizzy. Stay still."

He sounded annoyed now, so I stopped.

"Business is slow, just sit down." He looks at me and a smile cracks through his lips before he shakes his head, ignoring me.







I groan and pout in the chair, annoyed that he won't answer.

"Babe." His head snaps towards me in a face of disgust.

"no, never again."

I laugh at even the slightest bit of attention he gave to that. Contemplating trying the nickname out again, knowing he hated all the nicknames but that one struck something.

"Babe, answer me." I groan and he shakes his head,


"You don't like being called 'babe?'"

"I don't like you calling me 'babe.'" He rips the page out of the journal and crumbles it, placing it on the counter.

"Why not?" He glances in my direction before the front bell rings,

"Welcome to Bill's Books!"

I glance at the customer and take a deep breath, frustrated that the interaction was over. George was being off today. Well, he wasn't acting backwards until my friends came along. I shouldn't have pushed him so hard to introduce himself. I knew it makes him uncomfortable to meet new people. He used to act like that towards me. I should've just let it go and now press the issue.

When he makes his way back to me, I let out a sigh, "last customer for the night?" He nods, letting out a yawn.

"yeah, we're supposed to close in ten minutes."

He kept his eyes low, never looking up at me as he shakes his hand, constantly looking at the clock "what's wrong?"

"What time does the pharmacy close?" He asks immediately, still not looking at me.

"Uhm- nine p.m i"m pretty sure? Why?" He shakes his hands and let out a breath. I don't know if it's one of relief or stress, but he completely drops it when the customer comes up with a bunch of books, quickly starting up a conversation with George I was barely listening to.

"Well, I hope your mom gets better. I'll be back, Davidson." The lady waves.

"have a good night, Mrs. Springer." George waves back as she exits into the cold weather.

"What's wrong with your mother?"

"She's fine, Dream, let it go." He pauses, "it's just a cold."

The longer I looks at him, I start to connect the dots. I can see the tears in the corner of his eyes that he wipes away before turning around with a smile, "I have to go to the pharmacy. the bus is leaving in t-"

"I'm taking you." I grab my coat off of the rack and slide it on

"what are you talking about?"

"Get your stuff, I'm taking you to the pharmacy." He furrows his eyes in confusion before smiling,

"I'll be fine, Dream."

"You won't make it in time, George."

"Just-" he finally looks up at me, "leave it!"

He shakes his head and wipes his eyes again, "thank you for trying to help, but I don't need it."

My eyes widen as I finally connect everything together. All day has lead up to this. I don't know if it bothered him until lately though. He knew almost every customer that walked in, all of them asking about his mother.

"That was rude, sorry." He apologizes as he collects his things, "I don't want any of this concern you. She's fine, I'm fine. I just have to pick her up something."

"You know you could tell me if you need help, right?"

He smiles, "thanks, Dream, but you help me enough."

"I'll close up." I mutter, grabbing the keys off the desk before he could, "get to the pharmacy."

He nods, "I'll see you tomorrow-" he smiles genuinely, "Darling."

"Okay, sweetheart." He cringes and laughs before leaving.

As I left, I started to realize how much I don't know about George.

I don't know him at all.

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