seven ~ "what?"

164 4 13

George's POV

I slowly open my eyes to the sound of knocking on my door, my phone ringing helplessly. I turn off the alarm just as Jane peeks her head in.

"Sorry to wake you, Mr- uhm- George." She smiles, "there's someone who's waiting for you."

I look at the time and immediately get out of bed.

9:45 crap.

"I'll be right down." I tell her, waving her off. She nods and pulls her head back out.

I quickly pick up the first things that I see and toss them on quickly. I quickly grab a charger and my phone before racing downstairs.

"Is it okay if I go out for tonight?" I ask Jane, putting on my shoes, "of course, dear. Your mom is lovely."

"Thank you so much! I promise I don't have anything planned over the weekend and—"

"Just have fun, George." My mom smiles, looking away from the tv to look at me.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." I smile at the familiar response and raise my hand as a wave, "just call me if something happens."

They both shoo me off as if they were best friends who didn't want their prodding mother to stay any longer.

I hurriedly collect all my things and leave, find Dream in the front seat, his face buried in his phone. I quickly race up the passenger seat and get in.



"I said no later than 9:30" his voice tried sounding angry, but the grin on his face said otherwise. It was forgiving.

"I know— I know. I woke up late, literally just 10 minutes ago and-" Dream erupts in laughter, interrupting whatever apology I was going to say. "I'm not actually mad."

I looked out the window, smiling slightly, "did you sleep well?"

I nod, realizing he was paying attention to pulling out of the driveway safely. I don't get why I accepted this. We're going to a beach in the middle of autumn.

"Do you know what beach we're going to?" I ask before a long yawn leaves my mouth, popping my eyes. "It's a surprise."

"I hate surprises." Dream chuckles, "I know you do."

The drive there seems to go by quickly. A few stops, a few bickers, and long silences, and we're there.

The clouds have gone grey, the threat for rain, or possibly snow, seeping through the colors of the sundown oranges and magentas. "Are you sure it won't rain?" My voice came off more worrying than I wanted it to, cursing at myself for bringing up the worry to begin with. Dream shrugs before shutting his car door, "maybe."

He slides a jacket on and it only makes me wish I brought mine. The breeze was cold, heavy, and his hair flopped in every direction as the wind took storm. We took off our shoes previously, knowing that sand and shoes just wouldn't be a great idea.

"What do you mean, 'maybe?'" Dream chuckles, "I mean it might rain, but I'm not sure."

We walk in silence for five minutes, just enjoying the sounds around us. The tide started to increase, creating foam on the shore. It smelt of saline and sand, the scents overtaking anything. It all felt so familiar and yet so distant.

As soon as I started getting used to the hard breeze, the small droplets of upcoming rain fall onto my hands. The back of my sweater picked up the droplets as if it was a Bounty paper towel roll. It picked up so much and it left a shiver to go down my spine.

"Are you cold?" I glance over at Dream and shake my head, instantly getting another shiver as the raindrops fall against my neck. I regret that.

Dream just chuckles and shuffles out of his jacket, trying to give it to me, but I rejected every offer he gave. "George."

"I'm fine, Dream."

"I don't want you to catch a cold." He had such a worried tinge in his voice and it made me feel warmth despite the the cold temperatures that were only decreasing as time went by. "What about you?"

He smiles lightly before giving me his jacket, "I'll be okay. I put on multiple sweater before we left."

We walk for a little while longer before I swiftly put on the jacket in one motion. The smell of saline and sand slowly disappear as I take deep breaths of Dream's cologne. It wasn't strong, meaning he hasn't put it on for a while, but the smell of his detergent seemed so familiar. The smells overwhelm my senses completely, making me a lot more happier now that I was warmer.

I run quickly pass Dream and head towards the water, not stopping when I felt the cold sand in between my toes. I spin in circles and laugh, Dream joining in once he was in a viewing radius, "what are you doing, idiot?"
I don't respond, instead just spinning in circles, looking up at the clouds that are releasing the rain. At this point, I'm probably soaked but I couldn't care.

For some reason, in this very moment, I'm so happy. I'm on cloud nine. All of this is amazing. The rain, the smells, the warmth, the laughter. I'm so happy.

In this moment, I'm not worried about my mom. I'm not worried about Amelia. I'm not worried about my dad. I'm not worried about Dream. this feeling is so overwhelming.

I stop spinning and look over at Dream. He had a fond smile on his face, immediately looking down when our eyes locked together. I never felt what I felt for him. Well, I knew that. I knew I enjoyed things with him than any normal person should. I just didn't have anyone to compare him to. He's my first and only friend and it's upsetting that I can't tell him. I can't hurt him like that.

"You're beautiful." Dream smiles, looking up at me. My eyes go wide and my jaw tightens noticeably, "what?"

"You heard me." He steps closer, "I said 'you're beautiful.'"

As he got closer, I kept my eyes on his face, noticing the rain droplets streaming down his face. His hair was so dark right now. The moisture mixed with the dark sky. He looked great.

We were so close. I could tiptoe and reach his face, but I know that would be too close. I don't want to accidentally cross an unspoken boundary. It seemed insane to think that I'm living in the same universe as this man. He's so kind and he says everything you need to hear as if he knows how to make everything better. he's my best friend and I would do anything to stay that way. Of course I want more, but if he is uncomfortable with that, I'm okay with just being a bystander in his life. I'm okay with being a tidal wave that will come and go as is life goes on. I'm okay with being temporary.

I started feeling dizzy during these thoughts. The thought that I'm only temporary hurts my head. The fact that really hurt but I know that if he wanted to go, I'd let him. If he got engaged to another girl and wanted to move an entire ocean away, I'd let him go. Because I know that he would be happier there. I know he would still think about me, and you can call me narcissistic for thinking so, but I feel as though these moments are something you can't forget. It's something I want him to remember and if he doesn't think so, I think that hurts me more than anything.

I lean forward and rest my head on his shoulder, "stop—"

"Are you okay?" I nod, hoping he can notice even if I didn't pick up my head.

"You're hurting my head." There's a slight pause before he chuckles "for telling the truth?"

"Dream—"I warn, "You're gorgeous, George. Seriously, I think you're secretly a model in those magazines that-"

"Dream, stop."

"Why?" I know he's teasing, but I feel the need to answer, "it makes me want you more."

It got quiet again. I hear the thumping in my ears that just overpower every sound around me.

thump. thump. thump.

My heart was hammering and I hated every moment of it. But it was somehow addicting. I hate that he can have me wrapped around his finger in a matter of seconds. It's like he's a marionette. A very talented marionette.


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