11 ~ i do

169 6 16

- description of a small panic attack.
- longer/ unedited chapter

Dream's POV

"No, seriously! Dream!" George falls backwards in defeat as I laugh at him. "I sank your battleship!"

"Yes, you sank my fucking battleship, you twat."

"Was it your last one?" He shakes his head, "I have one more. How much do you have?"


"No way!" He tried looking over to my board but I quickly shut it out of his view, laughing at his exasperated groan. "How are you so good at this game? You have a poker face of a god. J-12"

"Miss." I look back up at him, "it's all about strategy, darling."

"Oh, really? I thought it was just saying random letters and numbers and hope you hit a ship at least once." He rolls his eyes sarcastically, causing me to laugh, "I-15" George lets out another defeated sigh, "hit."

We continue the game for a little while before he eventually gives up, silently telling me that his battleship has almost sunk.

"Are you really going to quit?" I ask, trying to stifle the never ending laughter I get whenever I'm around this guy. He doesn't even try to make me laugh, he just does. It's something I hope works the other way around as well. "Yeah! You're going to get the next one because you already know the pattern."

"Can I at least win?" It takes a moment for him to answer, but he nods, "go ahead."

"J-15." George fishes out another red peg and putting it on his board, now turning it around and showing me all the ships I managed to sink. "You're like a Battleship professional or something."

"You almost got one of my ships." I comfort, showing him my own board. "How did I manage to only say the ocean pieces?"

"That's a skill in of itself, George! Good job!" He leans over and hits me teasing before coming around the coffee table to now grab my red pieces. "I hate you." He says as he puts the red pieces in the ships, "I won! Woo!"

I kept a grin on my face when he threw his head back laughing like some little boy. He cheered and clapped his hands as if he actually won, but if I could see this reaction every time he won, I'd lose purposely (though I'm not sure if I'd give him bragging rights.)

When he calms himself down, he looks over at me as if he was expecting something different from me, "you won. totally."

He pushes me lightly before shutting both our boards and stacking them on top of each other. I look over at the time I notice it's only 8 pm.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" I ask, picking up the boards and putting them in the cardboard box that was teared around the edges after years of misplacement and tormenting. "Where?" I shrug, "I don't know. Grab something to eat or— I don't know. Just go out, I guess."


- - -

We managed to just keep walking, not really having any certain destination or anything. It was comforting to know he wasn't actually looking forward to anything in particular. I'm awful with surprises.

"So, if I asked you to kiss me, would you?"


"If I demanded you to kiss me, would you?" I chuckle, "yes, George."

"If I said no to a kiss, would you?"

"No." A smile eased across his face, "well, I wouldn't say no anyway."

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