three ~ georgie

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George's POV

"I'm home." I say, setting my mother's medication on the counter. I look around, noticing she was watching tv. Some game show with the same concept as 'the Price is Right.' The cheers, laughter, and noises seemed to fill the dark room, the tv being the only light.

I slowly kneel down next to my mother's hospital bed and take her hand, "hey, Mom. I got your medication today."

She raises her hand, holding up a finger as if she's telling me to quiet down. The people on the tv cheer as one million dollars shows up on the screen. I look up at my mom and see her smile, "if we ever win one million dollars, we could do so much." She points to the tv screen, "I've always wanted to be on one of these shows. I know I'd win." I chuckle at her as I get up and walk over to the counter to get her medication doses.

My mom's been sick for as long as I remember, but it just got worse recently. I never quite understood what was wrong, but all the doctors say is she has a very weak immune system. Anything can get to her and it could be ten times worse.

As I get all of her medication and vitamins together, I finally start to think about my burst with Dream. Mom's got the flu again, but it's been worse as of lately. Whenever someone asked how she was, I lied and said she was getting better. I could only lie to a point before I get agitated. HhHe looked shocked at my reaction, but it seemed like he understood after a while. His face didn't look like he was giving me pity. It just looked like he understood and I'm happy he didn't push on. If he did, I don't know what I'd do.

I grab a cup of water and walk back over to my mom, telling her which one she was taking was called and how it helped her. I knew she wouldn't take it if she thought it wasn't necessary.

"Thank you, honey." My mother says, giving me the empty cup before turning to her side, "how are you feeling?" I ask, keeping my voice soft.

"As good as I can be." I look at the time and yawn, leaning on the armrest of her bed, "go to bed, Hon."

"I have to take care of you, Mom." I mumble, "you've been doing that your whole life. I'm your mother before your your patient, dear." She laughs, a dry and quiet laugh, "go to bed. I'm about to sleep anyway."

I look at her face, making sure I know that she'll be okay, "are you sure?"

"Positive." She smiles, "remember you can always ring the bell and I'll be up-"

She reaches towards me, her cold hand brushing against my face, "I'll be fine, George. Go to bed. I promise I'll be here tomorrow." I smile at her before nodding, sitting up. I was reluctant about telling her goodnight, "goodnight, mom. I love you."

"I love you too, dear. Sleep well." I turn the corner into my room and sigh, the anxiousness void filling my stomach. I only jump when my phone rings. I fish out my phone from my pocket and smile at the picture of the silly picture of Dream that showed up, "hello?"

We almost never call, let alone text each other. We usually only contact each other if one of us won't show up at work or something.



"Are you okay?" His voice sounded soft, genuine. It was completely different than the teasing atmosphere we always have up. It's a good change, though. It's just a little tense.

"I'm okay. Are you okay?" I laugh lightly, trying to adapt to this new atmosphere, "I'm okay. I was just worried about you."

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I'm sorry about blowing up at you earlier by the way." I apologize, "you were just trying to be nice."

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