EXTRA! - the day before

103 2 15

Dream's POV

I roll over and wrap my arms around George's waist, planting light kisses on his bare shoulder. I kiss a trail up to the place right below his ear, chuckling against his skin. "George. Wake up."

He groans, craning his neck so I'd stop spreading several kisses on his fair skin. "George."

"What...?" I pull him closer and rest my chin on his shoulder, looking up at him. I reach up and move his hair out of his face, allowing myself to see his chiseled jaw. There were faded bruises you couldn't see anymore unless you were this close.

"Wake up."

George hums before mumbling a quiet, "why?"

"Because I want to kiss you."


"Why?" He groans, "you can kiss me when I'm asleep, Dream, we're getting married tomorrow."

More silence. His eyes open and a smile grows on his face as he repeats another, "tomorrow."

"Mhm" I hum, grinning as I left more kisses on his collarbone. "We're getting married tomorrow."

The silence stretches on before George shuffles and turns around onto his should. I smile at him and connect our lips into a soft kiss. "I think you're obsessed with me."

"Not completely." I sarcastically say before letting out a series of giggles. "Maybe a little."


I nod and rest my body on top of his, resting my head on his chest. I listened intently to his breathing, his heart rate, his warmth. The slow, even breathes and the stable heartbeat made me happy. It felt nice to know that he was okay.

Some days he gets really bad. Some days he'll lay in bed and just cry. Some days he'll lay in bed and ask me to leave him alone. Some days he'll lay in bed with the door locked as I hear the broken sobs come through. But some days he gets so insanely happy. Some days he'll wake up and insist we go to the art museum. Some days he'll wake up and just want to touch each other, occasionally doing more. Some days he'll just smile, and that makes me the happiest man in the world.

George makes me the happiest man in the world.

We fight sometimes. We fought last week because he was stressed about the wedding, second guessing if it was the right choice. The most depressing thing about all of it? There was a point in that argument where I mentally agreed with him. When he was shouting at me, there was a point where I wanted to say he was right just to get this over with.

But I love him so much and there was nothing that could tear me away from him (although my point still stands. if he wants to leave, I'll let him.)

"You okay?" I hum in response, enjoying the way his fingers combed through my hair.

"I'm in love with you."

George chuckles but he doesn't say anything. I enjoyed the silence, though. It spoke volumes that speaking with words couldn't achieve.

"Clay?" My heart dropped at the use of my actual name. It wasn't something that made me uncomfortable or anything, but I know what he's about to say is going to be serious.


"I'm in love with you."

"I'd hope so." George laughs, resting his arms loosely around my shoulders. His laughter came from his ribs, making me shake as he let it out. "It would be kind of useless to marry me otherwise, right?"

"Yeah." George calms down, "yeah."

The silence grows calmer and calmer before the bedroom door opens, Drista turning on the lights and clapping her hands together. After how many things she's interrupted with us, I'd figure she'd at least knock before walking in. But no. She still just walks in. "WAKE UP!"

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