The Holden Empire

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Two-thousand years ago was when it all started. When divine intervention occurred and set the course of history for the creation of an empire unlike any the world had ever seen.

They were first born as slaves, nothing more, nothing greater, under the oppressive rule of a higher civilization that ruled vast amounts of land and territory. Destroying many lesser kingdoms and empires in their wake, expanding their domain and power. What they did count on was the spark of rebellion that would come from their endless conquest.

From the mists of the prying eyes of their oppressors, one man sought retribution upon those who had wronged his people. Praying to the gods, he waited atop a sacred sight, hoping they would come and answer him.

Answer they did...

The Devine Eagle, a deity of immense power and miracles came forth, bestowing upon the man and soon his people three gifts. The gift of strength, the gift of will, and the gift of intelligence.

With these three gifts, the man and his people began their slow but steady rise, breaking apart their shackles and forging them in swords. Overthrowing their oppressors, their power continued to rise, driving back the foreign power and liberating their brothers and sisters.

For the next eight years they would fight from swords to barehands. Through blood, sweat, and tears they would retake their land. Cold and fire would never deter them with their newly resolved willpower. They vowed for better lives and a future of prosperity.

And when the dust had settled, and the fighting finally over, from the ashes rose a flag. The newly formed Holden Empire.

With the rise of new civilization, came the time of history to be made. Lead by their newly crowned leader, the man who sparked and lead their rebellion till their freedom had been achieved.

Emperor Saviton Whitelian I, bestowed upon by the Divine Eagle with the gift of not just strength, will, and intelligence, but immortality as well, would see through to rise of his civilization. From the ashes they started in, he would live through to see as his people would progress and develop, reaching many great heights, making many achievements, and sparking many break throughs in the boundaries of knowledge and power.

With their vast intelligence, they made many great leaps in technology at an explosive rate, developing new theories and expanding their ever growing knowledge. Discovering new elements that would lead to them becoming and absolute technological giant.

With their unshakable will, they would never bow nor cower before anyone ever again. Standing tall, they would rise up and assert themselves against those who tried to see them as lower, tame the wildest and most dangerous of beasts to roam their land, and strive through the darkest of times and worst of disasters.

With their newfound strength, their armies would be forces to be reckoned with. Their ranks filled with determination and unyielding force, ready to face and strike down any who dare threaten their way of life. Their might soon to spark fear into the hearts of many.

For the next two millennium since the dawn of their rebellion, they would rise above even the eldest of nations surpassing all. Becoming a new beacon of civilization and culture, while also being a target for war and hatred with many other nations wanting to see an end up their rise of power and watch their empire crumble.

Through strength and will, utilizing the gifts forged through their intelligence, they would see to it that their nation stood firm, and that all who threatened them would feel their wrath.

However, after two-thousand years of reign, on the anniversary of their founding, a force of unknown agenda or calling would intervene and take action, changing the course of history and with it the balance of power.

From the foundations of where it once stood, where sand and rock met the ocean floor, the Holden Empire had vanished. It's existence no longer as not a trace of it was left...

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