Chapter 4

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"My lord, I come with an update regarding affairs with the Epizian Kingdom." Martha Meyers of the Foreign Affairs Ministry declared as she entered the Emperor's office upon his request to deliver him the news.

"Excellent. What's their response?"

"As said by our dignitaries over seas, the Epizians shall be willing to send a few dignitaries to help broaden and open foreign relations between our two nations. They shall be departing tomorrow by sunrise aboard an emissary vessel with guidance and escort provided by our vessels."

"Good, good. Do we have anymore intel on how their society works?"

"Yes my lord," Meyers responded. "Based on the observations and interactions conducted by our dignitaries, they appear to be an absolute monarchy like ours, but lack a strong representation on behalf of the people and common folk. Strangely the strong use of magic is a major factor within their social structure. They seem to have a caste system in place where the nobility and royalty are magic users and the peasants are not."

"So, magic is that important to them?" Whitelian asked as Meyers nodded.

"Yes my lord. It's used in almost every day life with several gadgets and machinery utilizing magic for function. They even have these crystals that are capable of storing magic for later use. The color says their intended purpose."

"This is a very peculiar development." Meyers commented. "I know this isn't my field and I have no expertise in any forms of the arcane arts, but the magic in this world is much more...mature, and developed than that of our home world."

"That is indeed an interesting development. I'll look into it with the Ministries of Trade and Science to perhaps develop joint studies or trade involving these crystals. In the meantime, what's this island I've heard about to our east?" Whitelian question as their discussion returned to the main topic.

"That would be the Glouwe archipelago, ruled by the Glouwe Kingdom. They're actually made up of four large islands, this one is near our waters while the other three are further east. They own the entirety of the waters within and around the island network, along with hundreds of smaller islands in between. Based on satellite imagery and fly overs by our cruisers they rely mainly on a sea based fleet of large wind powered vessels."

Recently just a few days ago, half the satellite network was reestablished back in orbit, curtesy of the Imperial Space Force as they began launching ships to deploy Starbase's stock of reserve satellites. However it wasn't enough as they were able to fill in just about half of the network. The Industrial district was already manufacturing the needed satellites for a full network recovery but with the space elevator still out of commission, they couldn't get them up into orbit until then.

Recoveries around the districts were running smoothly now that roadways were repaired and usable again. However several rail lines still remained inoperable due to multiple structural collapses.

The military alert status was reduced to condition yellow, with the threat of foreign attack now unlikely, but everyone among the executive and general staff was still on edge.

"What of other nations, what kind of development stages are we dealing with?"

"Well my lord, there has been only one location shown to have signs of any major development of industry. We don't have a name for the territory yet, but we've detected large traces of carbon dioxide, methane, and vanadium, suggesting who ever lives there has major industry and is using coal or oil powered machinery." Meyers explained as the Emperor nodded.

The Empire had once reached this stage in development. However the effects of industry created mass amounts of pollution within the atmosphere, making living conditions very poor in the Industrial district through the mass burning of coal and oil. There were still traces left from that time long ago, but it wasn't as bad as it was back then. Now almost all facilities are powered by vathium cores that are much safer and cleaner than burning fossil fuels.

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