Chapter 1

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Capital City, the greatest city ever built by the Holden Empire, and the centerpiece of their entire civilization. Starting as clusters of huts and taverns, the city quickly grew into the maze of towers and skyscrapers it has become today.

Below, roadways stretched across the forty thousand square miles that made up the area, rail lines providing a quicker and smoother way of transportation through each sector, built between the skyscrapers above the busy roads. Tall walls made of alloy and concrete surround the city along the perimeter, signifying the borderline of the city and acting as its main line of defense, armed with massive artillery guns and missile batteries that were pointed towards the sky, waiting for any threat to dare try and approach and threaten the city.

Below, the streets and sidewalks were extremely busy in most areas, while being near empty in some areas. This was because of what everyone was anticipating tonight, with the Day of the Founding being only hours away from now, an event held once every year in celebration of the birth of their Empire. For the past two thousand years, this event had been held and celebrated each year. This celebration however was being extra special as it would signify the longevity of the Empire entering the twenty-first century.

Everyone was excited as the finest foods and drinks were on massive sales today and the largest parade since the one-thousandth Day of the Founding was held would take place. It wasn't just Capital City where this took place as the other cities and districts were preparing for the celebration as well, with streets being cleared for their own parade.

The Holden Empire consisted of several districts, each with its own focus and major city, and massive alloy and concrete walls adding to its borders and defense.

The Capital district was the center of the Empire and made entirely of Capital City. It was the smallest but the most important district as it housed the political structure and the Royal Palace at the very center, a massive marble and alloy estate that surpassed even the tallest skyscrapers of the city, reaching over a thousand yards in height with a two square mile perimeter.

The Industrial district was where the majority of the Empire's manufacturing came from. From the thousands of cars used by everyday civilians to the workhorse main-battle-tanks used by the Imperial Army. Factories made up the majority of the seven-hundred-thousand square mile area, with rail lines and roadways providing access to the other districts and residential areas within. In the center lied the city of Noxfell, the largest industrial city within the district at fifteen square miles.

The Agricultural district was the most green of all districts. Not a single sky scraper or metropolis city was present as it was made up of smaller towns and lots of farmland over a nine-hundred-thousand square mile area. This was where the majority of the Empire's food supply was produced from vegetables to beef. The town of Crown Meadow crowned the center of the district.

The Science district was where the majority of breakthroughs and developments in new technology occurred. While being small compared to the others at ninety-thousand square miles, it was one of the most developed where the most brilliant minds of the Empire lived and worked, inventing technology and sometimes changing the laws of science as they were known right now. The city of Horingley represented the district at the very center.

The Trade and Commerce district was constantly filled with trade activities, from both export and imports with other nations across the globe. The largest market was set up here and made up the entirety of the Empire's trade economy, with sea and airships coming in and out on a constant agenda. At six-hundred-thousand square miles, many great enterprising businesses had started here and expanded. The City of Pranbu was built along the district border on the coast, where instead of a wall was a massive harbor filled with ships of varying sizes.

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