Chapter 10

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"M'lord, the sitrep as you have requested." Jerobe entered the Emperor's office and handed him a folder containing the current progression of the war with the Cruid Allinace.

"Thank you. Now if you would, I would like to review the reports myself alone. You are dismissed for now." Emperor Whitelian responded as his assistant bowed before departing with a loud bang from the main doors.

Opening the folders, he inspected the images and writing that contained content of information regarding the current events and course of the war.

Unsurprisingly, the war was in their favor from the start, having taken over ninety percent of all territory within just three days. Three days, or eighty four hours, they now controlled almost all territory within the Cruid Alliance, with their forces now moving in to surround and lay siege to the Fortress of Alliance where the enemy leaders were now currently hiding.

The enemy has all but lost their entire navy, wyvern force, and army totaling to half a million casualties. Meanwhile the Grand Imperial Army has yet to receive any major casualties. This news greatly pleased the emperor as he was confident in their military prowess even in an alien world. As before and as it should be, no foreign rival could compete and stand against the might of the Holden Empire, and none shall ever so long as the Empire stands tall and proud.

Reading over the papers, he read up on the Glouwe refugees along their eastern shore. Their situation has since stabilized and proper housing and access to clean food and water has been established thanks to the Honor Guard. However what came as a big surprise to him was a request from the individual serving as the representing figure for the refugees.

'A request for integration and acceptance within the grace of the Holden Empire as honorary citizens.'

This was never unheard before, as the Empire had accepted and integrated foreign communities and refugees into their society before in the past. After acceptance, the gifts of strength, intelligence, and will would be granted to them as official citizens of the empire. He had questioned Dahlia on that matter before and received her response in, "The gifts extend into all citizens of your empire. While they may have not been born under my watchful grace, they've become my children and I shall watch over them as you lead them."

After some thinking, he decided to accept their request and integrate them as part of the Empire. He would of course have to make several calls and have documents signed to finalize and make it official. This would indeed expand on the Empire's reputation and work in showing it's more lighter side to those who come seeking it as a friend and ally rather than an enemy and threat.

The Empire's first overseas conflict in this world was starting to come to a close, with the fate of the Cruid leaders now up to the decision they'll make.


The Grand Imperial Army has now effectively laid siege to the remaining forces of the Cruid Alliance within the Fortress of Alliance. Mana cannons along the outer walls were effectively destroyed with the defenders forced to retreat to the second wall. All remaining wyverns have been grounded in their stalls with the Holden Empire now controlling the sky with their aircraft and airships.

The armada of battleships and cruisers surrounded the fortress with their guns aimed at it on standby. However it was unlikely they would be using them given what was in store for the fortress should the enemy leaders refuse to accept the terms of surrender.

Within the main keep, the Snela King looked out at the enemy force that surrounded them and laid siege to their final bastion. Massive war machines and thousands of troops surrounded them on all sides, effectively surrounding them with no possible route of escape.

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