Chapter 8

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"Warriors of the Grand Imperial Army!" A Holden brigadier general shouted as he jumped up on several stacks of crates before the four thousand soldiers present in the assault ship.

"I know times have been difficult. With uncertainty and doubt plaguing our minds since we found our selves in unfamiliar lands. Our allies non existent. Our foes, unknown yet. Our legends, without fame. But this is the time where that starts to change! Our service is required once again! Our foe is weak by our standards! But the same is said for many other nations of this world!"

"This war, is what shall reignite the fire of our legacy! Ensuring that this world knows, just who we really are! Word will spread of our unyielding might and unchallengeable strength! Many will fear us, and seek us out for salvation! Together, as brothers in arms, we will conquer this land! And all will know the might of the Grand Imperial Army!"

"Honor to the Emperor!"

"Honor to the Emperor!" Every soldier chanted in unison. As they placed their hand over their chest in a salute.

"Glory to the Empire!"

"Glory to the Empire!" Every soldier chanted in unison once agains as they maintained the salute.

"Men, ready to your stations! Prepare for battle!"


The day was tense, especially as of latest updates and alert status with the guards of the garrisons. With the threat of possible invasion present, patrols have increased and outposts were more active.

The three kingdoms were preparing for the anticipating invasion from the so called 'Holden Empire' they've all been hearing about more recently. Who they were exactly or what they were expecting to face? They did not know with somewhat vague information involving airships and oceanic ships. An invasion from the sky and air at the same time was unsettling. Across the kingdoms, wyverns were seen more frequently as they ran routine patrols over the airspace. The entire wyverns corps was out and flying, ready to respond to any air threats.

Outposts had their detection raised to max as crystals capable of detecting objects were raised up, with a sorcerer connected to the crystal and reading everything it was detecting in a ten league radius.

The entire coast of the Cruid territories was under heavy patrol from the Snela navy, with various large wind powered ships making up a massive barrier defending the beaches and harbors that covered the coasts.

The generals of Snela, Dreven, and Pidal were in high cooperation as they did their best to share info and joint forces in efforts to repel this soon coming invasion.

The generals were discussing their views and ideas of where the invasion would start. Most of all three kingdoms believed that the invasion would occur from the coasts of the Snela territory, where they should divert a majority of their forces to repel with hast. However some objected and believed it to come from the sky or from inland bordering either the Dreven or Pidal territories.

Objections were made as they had no borders with potential enemies and all other nations were neutral with them. Their objections also came with the belief that, "There's no way a sizable force can be deployed by air. It's impossible." Many objected with the information provided by the kings involving the discovery of massive airships found using the scry spell.

For now, the Pidal had their ground forces spread out at all garrisons with ten thousand troops each ready to respond, with a total of a hundred thousand marching to both the Dreven and Snela garrisons to bolster allied garrisons.

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