Chapter 11

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"Entry log 117, Director Bane Monroe, head of weapons development project 1006, the RAILGUN."

"The concept of the railgun has been a unique approach in terms of weapons development and technology. Rather than using explosive chemical propellants to fire a projectile, the railgun uses a set of powerful electrically charged magnetic rails to accelerate a solid projectile faster than conventional guns. The only problems we're currently facing with it's development is making the weapon portable and preventing it from braking down with every two to three shots."

"While cobalt is an excellent conductor for accelerating the projectile, it lacks significant heat resistance from the intense amount of energy and plasma generated when firing. Hafnium carbide has great heat resistance and is able to hold itself together, but lacks the conductivity to accelerate the projectile past our velocity goal for the gun. Which is why we're conducting tests with various rails made up of different composition materials to hopefully find a suitable candidate for the development of the railgun. Our latest test, C-225, was able to fire just under the velocity goal six times before the rails wore out."

"We will continue with the tests."


"Entry log 122, Director Bane Monroe, head of weapons development project 1006, the RAILGUN."

"We're close, I can just feel it. Our latest test, C-255, has shown very promising results. When firing, the projectile was fired beyond what the target velocity was set to. Over six thousand miles per hour, very promising. We were able to shoot the gun a total of ten shots before the rails wore out. Working from this, we're hoping to develop C-255 into a more sturdier composition in hopes we can finally find the perfect material for the rails. After that, we then focus on making the weapon more portable. Given the amount of modules and space needed to store those modules, these guns are more likely to serve as naval based weaponry. No railgun tanks I'm afraid, at least not yet."

"Until then, we'll begin modifying C-255 and conduct more tests to observe the results."


"Entry log 154, Director Bane Monroe, head of weapons development project 1006, the RAILGUN."

"Previous tests were a complete bust. I believed we were close finding the perfect material for the rails, but C-255's successors have complicated things for us. Upon trying to reinforce C-255 into a more sturdier material, we've reduced the conductivity and prevented acceleration past the velocity goal. However hope is not lost."

"One of my colleagues came into my office the other day and proposed a fascinating rail design. The nature of which will be classified and left out of this log. Tomorrow, we will begin working on these new rails with C-255 and observe the results."


"Entry log 158, Director Bane Monroe, head of weapons development project 1006, the RAILGUN."

"We've finally done it. The railgun design with the new rails worked like a charm. In the latest test, C-255 was able to hold together after more than a hundred shots made total, each of which accelerated the projectile past six thousand miles per hour. These results will most definitely earn the praise of the Weapons Research Department and Emperor himself. But we're not done yet. Now we work on making the gun more compact in a turret rather than just a barrel surrounded by batteries and conductors. Until then we'll continue experimenting and reconfiguring equipment and modules."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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