Chapter 3

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The aftershock from current events was still running strong through the Epizians. A while ago they were seemingly attacked by objects moving at speeds they never thought possible, and now they were being hailed by a fleet of massive metal airships by the likes they had never seen before.

The whole scenario brought much tension for the crew, but Admiral Willford was determined to get to the bottom of this whole situation as he accepted the other ship's request for him to come aboard. At his side were two guards wielding muskets at the ready with bayonets attached to the ends. With effort between the crew of the two different ships, they managed to somewhat make a gangplank that cloud function and be considered safe to allow passage between the two vessels.

With determination and pride, Willford was the first to cross the makeshift bridge and make first contact with these unknown folk. He made it to the other side and felt his leather boots step onto the seemingly textured metal surface of the flat deck.

It was then that he got a feel for how massive the ship actually was, being bigger than a typical village or town. It occurred upon him the amount of engineering and resources that must've been required to construct such a vessel like this. Whoever even designed this thing must have an incredible mind and feat of ingenuity.

He looked around him and noticed the groups of men in strange uniforms across the deck. Each group wearing similar pattern but different colors. Did they serve some purpose? Rank and status maybe?

One man however stepped forward with two figures in armor he had never seen before, holding what looked to be shortened and full metal muskets with odd protrusions and parts he didn't know the purpose of.

"Greetings," Willford was cut out of his observation as the man in uniform spoke. "" He made several hand motions as if trying to convey his message to the Admiral, much to his awkward confusion.

"Forgive me for sounding rude but, why do you speak in such a strange manner?" He questioned. "Is it some strange condition that affects you?"

The strange man stopped his hand motions and exhaled a sigh of relief. "Thank the Divine Eagle. I was worried we would have to face a language barrier of some sort. Guess that eases most of our worries."

This confused Willford. "Language barrier? All should be able to understand all languages through the translation charm enchanted across the world."

"A translation charm?" The man asked confused. "I'm not sure I understand fully. Is this in correlation with magic?"

How could they not know of the translation charm casted several hundred years ago? "Wait, who are you people?" Willford questioned as the man gave his answer.

"I am first-lieutenant Hoxtan Bowver, second in command of this mighty vessel you now stand on. We are here on behalf of the Holden Empire." Hoxtan explained, to which the Willford was confused.

"The Holden Empire? I'm not familiar of any nation with that title." Willford admitted.

Hoxtan responded with his own question. "Then who exactly are you on behalf of?"

"I am Willford Grant III, leading member of the Grant nobility house and Admiral on behalf of the Epizia Kingdom." The Admiral declared with a sense of pride in announcing his name.

"I'm afraid I've never heard of any nation with that title either. How strange." Hoxtan replied much to Willfords shock. How could they not know of the kingdom? They were the dominant nation in this region of the globe...unless.

Dots began to slowly connect as he began to ask questions that would prove or debunk what he was theorizing. "Where is your homeland?"

"Uhh...why would you wish to know that all the sudden?" Hoxtan asked with caution as none of this was making sense.

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