Rushing for what???

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Karen POV

I really liked staying at the boys house

They didn't seem to be bothered when I stay here. At least I don't think so.

Today just seemed to be the day

"C'mon guys! Our flight leaves in 6 hours! We have to pack!"

They just found out that they had to sing for patients at the Hospital.

I didn't bother packing my stuff because I wasn't going. They were going to stay there for about a week or so

"Where is you luggage love?" Hare asked

"I'm not going."

"Not going!!?? No! You have to come! It will be a new adventure for us!" He said

So I packed my stuff and we left

When we checked in, we heard girls screaming! And it was loud! I almost became deaf!

When we got in our plane, we got in first class and I got to sit by the window. Harry chose the seat next to me. This flight was going to be 9 hours. I was going to have fun.

There were TVs and...TVs....and.....uhh moving on

I was watching "The Notebook"

It was a sad movie and I cried.

(I cry a lot. I am a sensitive gal :)

Harry was watching "Despicable Me"

I love that movie!! When Harry saw me look at his movie, he pretended not to notice me. He smiled and kept watching.

After I was done watching my movie, I then went to watching "The Hobbit". I always loved that movie!!!

Harry poked my shoulders and asked me where I found that movie, I think he just wanted to talk to me because the movie was on the page he was looking at right now.

I pointed to it and he thanked me and watched with me

The lady asked us what kind of drink we wanted. I said water while Harry said coffee. He kept on watching his movie.

At the part when the Orcs were fighting the dwarves and Bilbo, Harry fell asleep. He didn't get his coffee yet.

I paused the video for him. I took off his head phones so he could sleep. I kept on watching my video. When it came to the good part, Harry decided to put his head on my shoulder. I tried shaking him off but it was no use. I just let him lay there. When the movie was over, we still hadn't received our drinks yet. I wasn't thirsty anymore and Harry was sleeping so I didn't bother asking.

I fell asleep too and the flight went by really fast. I mostly kept waking up because Harry snored...loudly....

I covered his mouth but nothing seemed to be working. Since I couldn't sleep. I watched another movie.

Out of nowhere, I heard Harry say

"Don't leave me Karen, I thought we were meant to be! Can't you stay? No!! Ok. Now? Gotcha."

I had no idea what he said but the first part was a nightmare because his eye brows went together and he looked sad.

I soon fell sleep with the movie still going and everything was black.

When we woke up, Harry was watching a movie. I think he doesn't know yet.

It's Feburary 1st! Aaa can't wait to see his face

"Harry, did you forget something?" I asked

"No, uhh, I don't. Think so...did I love?"

I laughed

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