The Day

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Harry'a POV

We were sitting on the couch watching tv and Karen was laying against my chest and I put my arm around her and the other arm was holding her hand.

We all were startled when we heard my loud ringtone of Karen and I singing

"It's me!" Karen said laughing

"What happened yesterday Harry? You didn't sing for my boss! What the hell is wrong with you Harry?" I heard my manager scream into my ears

"Look man, you hurt my girlfriend physically and emotionally. What else do you want?" I said mad

"Emotionally I know, but physically? What the hell did I do huu? You tell me!!" My manager said this like hurting someone emotionally was ok

"She ran away and someone on the streets got her and cut her arm." I said

"I did not do that, she chose to leave! Which I wanted her to! And it's her fault she took that route! Not mine! Just leave her and she will get over it." I held Karens hand harder.

She was shivering and closing her eyes tightly

I held her tightly close to me

"Look, I don't want any trouble. I can't believe we are making a big deal out of this shit!" I said

Niall grabbed my phone and put it on speaker

"We are all going to quit if you don't stop talking about letting Karen leave! You were never this mean man. Why start now?" Niall said

"We love Karen, and I knew you felt love once right?" Zayn said

"No one can hurt someone without feeling any guilt." Liam said

"Karen deserves the best and if you don't want her than you don't want us." Louis said

"You guys, of course! I do want uhh Karen, I mostly want you guys though. Come on. We can all forgive each other right?"

We all thanked our manager but we didn't thank him sincerely.

I still hugged Karen close to me with out letting go.

She felt better, I know.

We all wanted to have a nice walk outside

We went to the beach where Karen and I had out first date.

We all got off and Karen was the first to get out. Of course, I was last

When I got out, I saw Karen walking by herself on the rim of the water

She put both her hands behind her back and her dress blew with the wind

Her dress was a simple white, loose, laced dress.

She had a straw hat on and it made her look amazing

She was walking but then she stopped

I looked closer and saw her eyes close tightly and her hand over her wound

She then let go and walked again

I faintly heard her say

"I love Harry so much. He did everything he could for me. Of course I don't have enough money to pay for my own tickets every time One Direction flew to somewhere else to perform. I don't know what our plan is. I will most definitely not make him pay for anything! I will work extra hard to find the money so I can travel with him. I will start looking for a job that pays a lot when you work over time. But that means that I will have to stay at my job without seeing him for more than 4 hours! Oh no...this is a disaster. What do I do???? Uuhhgg"

I hugged her and she flinched

"Did you hear any of that...?"

"Of what my love?" I said smiling

"Oh nothing! You know, me wanting to uhh...look directly at the sun in London on a super hot day!"

She tried to cover up what she said

"I heard everything you said love, I don't want you to work over time! The reason why we are together is to spend time wit one another. And don't worry about plane tickets. We got that covered. You also get VIP tickets to every single concert!"

She smiled and looked down

All the lads came over and we talked and talked on what seemed like forever!

When we were all tired out, we went home and went to bed.

Karen's POV

"Karen! Wake up love!"

I heard Niall's voice say

"You got mail!"

Of course I didn't tell you guys. Told my parents of where I lived but didn't tell them with whom.

I walked out and saw a package

"That's not a mail! That's a package!" I said

"Nnnooooo...." Niall said sarcastically

"But you said mail and I ...."

He kissed me on the cheeks

"I know love."

It seemed like he was the only one awake. But I didn't care

I opened the package and it was from my family all the way back California!

~Dear Karen Ella

We are super happy to hear about your first home! We love you and miss you so much! You have to come and visit us soon ok dear? But anyways, happy birthday! Your 18th birthday is today! August 10! Congrats. We are sorry we can't be there to celebrate with you but we got you a little something! Hope you like it! Love, Family~

I smiled and saw a birthday present box

-P.S. you asked for this since you were little.-

I opened the box to see our very first family photo. She knew me so well! This was everything I ever wanted

And on it, it said

"To our baby girl's 18th birthday. Aug. 10."

I put it on my nightstand and looked at it for a while

"Love? Can I come in?"

"Yup! It's open!"

Harry walked in


I laughed

When he was in, I quickly took the photo and hid it behind me

"What is that?"

"Nothing Hare! Uhh, what's up??"

"Karen, show me!"

"Uhhh, it's personal!"

"If you don't show me, I am going to get the wrong idea that it is from your formal boyfriend!"

"It's not! It is from my family!"

I showed it to him, covering the birthday message

He moved my hand when I wasn't watching

"It's you birthday today? How Come you didn't tell me! I could've got you something!"

"That was kind of the reason why I didn't tell you...I don't want anything from you. I already got your love. Who can ask for more?"

He just looked at my baby picture and smiled

"You are adorable Karen!"

I smiled and when he was done looking at the photo. We walked out

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