Harry's Rest

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(More Drama! People told me that more drama it better. So enjoy)

Harry POV

I had already taken a shower and changed into clean clothes.

I sat down on the couch and I wondered. Why did Karen say so many "sorry" so many times. I said it was ok. She really worried about me but that wasn't her job. Uh. It's complicated

Karen walked over to me

"Harry, go and get a rest. It'll make you feel better." She said touching my hair

"But what if I don't want to?"

"Well then too bad mister. It's for your own good."

I smiled and grabbed her hand leading her into our room.

"I want you to stay here if I have to go sleep and take a rest." I said

"What? Then what am I supposed to do?" She said laughing

"Then I guess I can rest then.' I said


I crawled onto my bed


She crossed her heart

"I promise Hair Ball."

I plopped down on my soft pillow and looked at Karen one more time.

Then I closed my eyes

Karen POV

I smiled when he looked at me.

He soon fell asleep. I promised that I wouldn't go but I had nothing to do.

So I wanted to sneak out to get something but I knew that that would be breaking the promise.

I looked Round the room and found some paper and a pen

I started to draw the symbol of One Direction. Then I got bored.

I went into my suitcase and mumbled the word "shit" because I left my book outside.

I sat there impatiently tapping.

I looked at the clock so many times and wished j could just go and get it then come back

Soon I got bored and fell asleep on the chair.

When I woke up, Harry Wasnt there.

I let out a big yawn and put my hands high up in the air.

Then out of nowhere, Harry tickled my stomach side.

I flinched and accidentally hit him on the face. (Lightly of course)


"I am sorry babe. You ok?" I said concerned

"Ya. I'm fine." He said

"I didn't mean to hit ya babe.

He just snickered

He grabbed me outside

"What do you want to do today?" He asked

"I think you should take a rest Hare. I'll just go with Niall or-"

"I'm completely fine! I can take you anywhere!" He said

He didn't let me finish

"It's ok babe."

"No. I want to." He said

"Are you sure Harry?" I asked

He nodded his head

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