Chapter 1

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A/N: Just so you guys don't get confused, yes they have this camp for the team bonding activities but the camp isn't held during school period but in the summer holiday (Sorry I don't know how the school system in Japan is but for me from where I am summer holidays are from mid July to mid September) :)

Outside the sun is shining on a beautiful summer morning, you can hear the birds chirping in the early morning. There's a house, the Kageyama household.

Kageyama's POV

My window is open, I feel the light breeze, I hear the birds chirping outside in the early morning. Slowly I open my eyes, turn around and take a look at my phone. It's currently 6:30 am.

I didn't smell the breakfast that was being prepared in the kitchen and I didn't hear any noises in the house even though my parents should both be awake at this time.
There is a reason why I couldn't smell the breakfast and hear noises.

I was home all alone. There was no one there who would prepare my breakfast or make noise.

Why is that? My dad,... well he died in a car accident two years ago on his way back home from an important meeting he had that day. When the paramedics arrived at the said place where the car crash took place they said he was dead immediately after the impact with the other car.
Sometimes I'm so angry at myself because the stupid me I was that day didn't say 'I Love you dad' before he left the house. This is one of my biggest regrets.

As for my Mom, well since my dad passed away she began to work even more than she did before he died. She leaves the house early and comes home very late. She goes on even more business trips than she did before. I'm happy if i can see her once a week and spend a little time with her.
The few moments I have with her make me so happy, because even though she isn't home often I really love her.
But sometimes I wish she would work a little less because I really miss her and I already lost my dad and I don't want to lose her as well.

And there is also my older sister Miwa but I don't see her often, she's 29 and doesn't live at home anymore she is also a very busy women but I don't miss her as much as I miss my mom. When we were little we loved each other but as we got older we began to grow apart. So I don't really mind if she can't come visit often.


I get out of bed, stretch and then I stand up go take some clothes out of my closet. A blue (boyfriend) jeans with a black t-Shirt that has a black panther printed on it. Then I go to the bathroom and peel of my clothes and take my daily shower and brush my teeth.
After I'm done i get out of the shower put on my clothes go to my bedroom, there I take my favorite chain/necklace and some rings. Last but not least before I go to the kitchen I take with me my Nike sneakers and my flannel jacket.

Some thing like this:

Today I wanted something simple for breakfast so I did some toast with scrambled eggs and bacon

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Today I wanted something simple for breakfast so I did some toast with scrambled eggs and bacon. The most important thing that I can't live without is milk, every morning I drink milk, cause its my favorite drink.
While I eat I watch some random YouTube videos.
After I'm done I take another look at the time, it's now 7:10 am. I need to get ready.

The entire team is supposed to meet at school at 12pm so we can get going to the camp that all the school organized for team bonding activities.

As I am, I haven't packed my things yet and I always need a long time to do so, so I better get to work now if I want to finish on time.

~ Time Skip ~

After many attempts I finally managed to finish packing. I hope I haven't forgotten anything because this camp will take place somewhere in nowhere (kags being kags probably didn't listen when coach Ukai and Takeda told everything to the team😂) and I can't just return home in case I've forgotten something.

I was now ready to leave I only needed to do one last thing. Always when I leave for a camp with the team and Mom isn't home I leave her a note.

'Hey Mom, I don't know when you will see this note, I just wanted to remind you that I went to this camp for team bonding I told you about. So when you get home and I am not here you don't need to get worried.
Thank you for always supporting me and accepting me for who I am.
Bye I love you Mom'

I lay the note down on the Kitchen counter and go to the door, I put my shoes on take my keys get out, and lock the door behind me.

From my house I need about 15 minutes to get to school. When Arrive there the only ones who are already there are Hinata, Noya and Tanaka. We are quite on time so I walk over to them and greet them.

"Hey guys" I say in a rather happy voice.

"Hey Kageyama" both noya and tanaka say in unison

I have to say I was caught off guard when Hinata screamed my name.

"KAGEYAMA, hello, hi how are you today? OooOooH I'm so excited for this camp are you too?"

"Boke Hinata Boke, do you have to scream like that? But yes to answer your question I'm also excited about the camp" I said, so he would finally stop rambling so much.

I better not complain Hinata is my best friend and I like him for who he is. To say that we went from like rivals to best friends. But he is not my only friend I have the whole team, they are all my friends and they are all so supporting. I'm happy that I chose to come to Karasuno for High School.

Now you might be thinking why I'm constantly talking about they supporting me and my mom supporting me well..., I am Gay. This is why.
I came out to my mom when I was 14 and I was so happy when she accepted me like I am. And to my team I came out after being with them for half a year and when they told me that I am not alone that I wasn't the only Gay team member I nearly cried, out of happiness because I never thought that they would be so accepting and that there would even be others like me in the team.

They are like a second family to me and I can't be more grateful to have them in my life.

After a while the rest of the team joined us, Daichi held a little speech about some things we would do on this team building camp.
And then we saw coach Ukai approaching us with Takeda.

"Good Morning everyone, I hope you are as ready as I am for this camp?" He said when he came to a stop in front of us.

"YEEESSS!!" We then all screamed in unison

"Ok so then lets go, get into the Bus" everybody did so and five minutes later we where on the road on our way to the team bonding camp.

Words: 1452

Hey lovely readers here is my very first chapter 😋 I hope you could enjoy if you even read until the end.

Besides that I hope that I wrote more or less something good because like i started this (story) today at at around 1 am and I went to bed at around 3:30 am thinking what I could write in the first chapter.😅
So when I woke up at 7am i had to write down my the ideas I had and out of this ideas came this chapter.

Sorry for the not so good parts where the Characters talk to each other I have to get better in this.

Alright I will stop here if you read until here I would enjoy if you write a comment about things you think I could do better and maybe leave some suggestions in case I myself have no fix idea about what to write next.

Please vote and leave a comment.

Thanks lovely readers😊
Bye Bye


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