Chapter 3

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And that's when I heard him, the person I didn't want to meet so soon after we arrived.

"Yah-hoo..., Tobio-Chan!"


Kageyama's POV

I heard how he called my name while I was still looking up at the sky enjoying the warm feeling of the sun on my skin. I slowly turned my head in the direction from which the voice came.

And there he stood.

Oikawa Tooru.

With his light brown hair that glittered in the sun and his beautiful brown eyes I could look into you for hours. He was as beautiful as I remembered him, of course he's gotten older and taller now, but that doesn't change anything.

Slowly I feel the warmth creeping up my neck and that is my sign to look away. I didn't blush out of embarrassment because I was staring, but because I think, somewhere deep down inside me I missed his presence.
And to see him so suddenly caused this light blush to appear on my face.

As fast as I could now I turned away and walked over to Hinata to distract myself from Oikawa.

I talked with him about volleyball, what he thinks are the activities we are gonna do and lots of more stuff. Until we heard coach Ukai call us to sit down.

"Listen here, I have some more information for you guys about the camp," he said. And the rest of the team who was still chatting stopped and listened to what the coach had to say.

"So, first of all, we are here with 5 other teams, these are Nekoma High, Inarizaki High, Aoba Johsai High, Shiratorizawa Academy, and last but not least Fukurōdani Academy. Th-..." The coach was interrupted by Hinata who jumped up and said with a happy voice "Oh my God Kenma is here? Where is he, ... where is he I want to go see him I missed him so much!!"  

"BOKE HINATA BOKE!! Sit down you can go see Kenma when coach Ukai has finished talking." I said in hopes to calm him down.

"But Kagey-..." he tried with a small voice and his puppy dog eyes.
"No buts!! Now sit down because the longer u need to sit down and listen the longer this will take!" I said in a not so gentle voice to see if he would finally shut up.

"Thanks, Kageyama." the coach said and continued his speech.
"Okay so like you can see there are 7 big cabins. It's one cabin for every team and the last cabin is for all the Coaches. Now last but not least, the other coaches and I will make nine groups with each six students of different teams. We will talk about the groups later on around a bonfire and we will talk about the activities. Now go to Cabin Nr.4 and put your stuff in there and then you can do whatever you like until it's diner time in other words at 8pm" he finished talking by clapping his hand as a sign that we are free to go now.


Oikawa's POV

I was sitting under a tree with Iwa-chan, Makki, and Mattsun, we were talking about everything possible when I heard another team arrive.

I turned my head from where I heard them arrive and there I saw him standing by the captain and the vice-captain of the team.
I excused myself stood up and walked in his direction. On the way there I saw him looking up at the sky and that was when I called him.

"Yoo-hoo..., Tobio-Chan!"

I stopped walking towards him when I was about 6 meters/ 20 feet apart from him. And yet I saw him tense when I called him. I saw him slowly turning his head in my direction and that is when our eyes met. Oh what I liked his deep blue eyes, they always reminded me of blueberries. His black hair, which sometimes looked blue in the sunlight in contrast, to his paler skin. He was so beautiful.

You might think why I sound like I have a crush on my Kouhai. Yes in fact I have feelings for him although I m already in a relationship with Iwa-chan. He also has feelings for Kageyama. We are happy and everything but we both feel like a piece of the puzzle is missing so we are complete and we both know that the missing piece is Kageyama.

We are making direct eye contact and after a moment I see a light blush appear on his cheeks. 'Why did he blush?' I thought. Nevertheless, as fast as I could see it he already turned around and went over to Chibi-Chan.

When he turned around without even saying anything to me I felt a little hurt. With that, my mood went a bit down.

I turned around and walked back to the others while I called out for Iwazumi.
He turned around.
"What do you want flattykawa!?" he asked me in a rather harsh voice but I don't mind its always like this, although we're in a relationship.
"Can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked, "Alone, please?" I continued.

When he saw that I was a bit down I saw his face softening, he stood up took my hand and we walked over to a bench near the lake and sat down.

"What is it Kawa?" he asked with a soft voice. I looked at him and asked.
"Do you think that Tobio still hates me because of what I did back in middle school?"
"Babe, I'm gonna be honest to you. I know that you now know that what you did back then wasn't right. It was his first year in middle school and his Captain almost hit him because of a simple question he asked him. I wouldn't say that he hates you, I would probably say he is scared to face you because it's a bad memory he has that stayed on his mind. Maybe he isn't yet ready to talk to you again. But if I was you I would take my chance here at the camp to solve the problem. And who knows what will happen between you two and maybe the three of us?" he said and gave me a small kiss on my forehead to comfort me.
"Thanks, Iwa-chan I will do my best to solve our problem, and by the way, what you said that possibly something could happen between the three of us do you think that something might happen because I think the chances are very low that he likes us as we like him," I asked him.
"I don't know, the only thing we can do is to find out for ourselves," he answered

Feeling a little better and motivated to make things right. I hugged Iwa-chan and then leaned my head on his shoulder while intervening our fingers together.



Hey that's all for this chapter. I'm not sure if this is good or not, anyways I hope you enjoyed it so far.
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Have a nice Day ♥️


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