Chapter 9

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Hey!! Lovely readers, I hope u see this before you start reading this chapter.
First of all, I'm so so sorry for not publishing a new chapter sooner, but I kinda lost the ideas and the there was this nervousness and the fear when I thought about writing because I thought that the chapter would not be good enough or something. I honestly don't know.
And secondly, as u can see this is a new chapter so I hope it isn't too bad and that you can enjoy it.
I would be very happy and thankful for feedback or maybe constructive criticism.
Now enjoy and hope u have fun while reading 😊

(Small Recap)

I guess he makes me nervous.

"Oh, uhm that is nice of you, I am feeling better, I think that I will be participating aging in the activities from tomorrow on...", he said rather quietly.

"That's good to hear...",

We talked for a little longer then I went back to the others where some were still playing volleyball and others were chilling around talking, relaxing...

I looked for Oikawa and once I found him I walked over to a tree with him, sat down, and patted the space between my legs so he could sit down. I put my arms around him and he leaned back against my chest.

We sat there in this position, talking. I told him about what happened with Tobio.

When we were called to go eat dinner we made so and afterwards we went to the cabin and prepared for bed.

"Good night my love...", I said

"Good night Iwa-chaann~" he replied before I felt his breathing slowing down and finally falling asleep.

I cuddled up to him and soon after I also fell asleep too.


Kageyama's POV:

We are all sitting together in the cafeteria having breakfast, and I must admit that I am quite excited to be participating in the activities aging after the three days I missed.

Sometime after we were finished eating the Coaches called us to get our attention.

"So fellas this is our second and last week here at the camp. We will tell you now what we planned for this week, we all together decided to do it a little bit differently than last week," The coach finished and let the other coach continue.

"As coach Ukai mentioned, we planned something different, so in the mornings we are going to do a smaller activity in the same group as last week and in the afternoon we will be playing Volleyball matches. We will give you a plan like last week so you can always look at what activities are planned for the week."

This is the Plan:
Note: every afternoon —> volleyball, except Tuesday and Friday

- First activity: Outdoor Escape Room —> The team/ group (of six like in the first week) receives a letter, only your team can stop the disaster that is about to happen. Your group will have to find various locations to stop the bomb from going off (fake Bomb). Worst: you only have 60 mins to find the bomb. Will you and your team be able to top it on time?

- they are free to do what they want

- First activity: Bow Shooting —>Duration: 60 mins
- Second activity: circle of silence —>  person is selected to stand in the middle of the circle wearing a blindfold, the objective of the team challenge is for the rest of the group to pass a selected object (such as a tin with marbles in) around the circle without making any noise.

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