Chapter 2

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[A/N: hey I just remembered that I forgot to mention for how long they will stay in this camp. I thought something like 2-3 weeks cause they have summer holidays right now.
Ah and just in case you wonder, in this story I will concentrate the most on Kags, Kawa and Iwa.
That's all for now]


~Bus ride to the camp~

No one's POV

Hardly half an hour in the bus and you couldn't hear anything other than Hinata, Noya and Tanaka being loud and fooling around. The ones that were tired couldn't sleep, the ones that wanted to chat together could barely hear themselves.

One of them who wanted to sleep was Kageyama but he couldn't because of the noise the other three were making. So he decided to put on his headphones and listen to his favorite song 'Blueberry Eyes' by Max (ft. SUGA of BTS).

When the song started, all sorts of thoughts began to wander around in his mind. One of them was the fact that he would be seeing Oikawa at the camp.

Although he was looking forward to this camp, he was afraid to face Oikawa. They saw each other after the incident in middle school, but since they're going to different schools now they have seen each other less and less.

He was afraid he didn't know how to behave towards Oikawa because he was sure that Oikawa would act like nothing had happened, but Kageyama hadn't gotten away without any damage. Nothing physical had happened thanks to Iwazumi, but mentally. It hadn't been a major thing, but Kageyama hadn't expected his Senpai to act like that towards him when he simply asked him „Please show me how to serve?"

And there was this other thing that bothered him. His crush on both of his Senpais who were already in a relationship. Even though he's not over the past, he still has this crush on his senpais. He fears that by seeing them every day, for a short amount of time, his feelings towards the two of them will grow and he fears that he won't be able to hide them anymore when he is near them. He doesn't want that because he doesn't know how Oikawa and Iwazumi would react if they catch him like, for example if he blushes in their presence, by something one of them has done.

[A/N: what I mean is that he shows signs of liking them]

Nevertheless, he will have to live with it for the time they will be at the camp. He will make the best out of this little „trip" with his teammates and friends and the students of the other teams.

Soon enough Kageyama managed to fall asleep because all these thoughts only made him even more tired. Then it didn't even matter how much noise there was in the small bus.


~Time Skip to when they arrive at said camp~

Kageyama's POV

I felt someone shaking me lightly and calling my name, slowly I began to open my eyes and saw a bundle of orange Hair in front of my face.

"...Hinata? What is it why did you wake me up?" I asked a little bit confused because I was still sleepy.

"Kags we're here, everyone already left the bus and are waiting outside for us cause we have to walk for a bit until we get to the cabins where we will be staying" He answered rather quietly for what I was grateful and in consideration that he is a very loud person all the time.

"Oh... okay then let's get out of the bus, ah and thanks for waking me up Sho." I said sleepy. "No problem Kags that's what best friends are there for" he answered while smiling at me.

Once outside I took my bags out of the luggage room in the bus, then we all started to walk in the direction of the cabins. After some time I walked over to Daichi and Suga.

"Daichi? Suga?" I called them

"Hey Kageyama, did you have a great sleep?" he asked me friendly like a Dad would do. After all he has a bit the role of the dad and Suga the mom in the team.

"Oh ... uhh... hmm yes it was great. But say do you guys know if any of the other teams already arrived?" I asked them

"Yes, I think I saw the busses of Nekoma High, Fukurōdani Academy and Aoba Johsai High at the entrance but I'm not sure anymore" Suga answerd

"Oh ... Aoba Johsai is already here? Ok thanks, guys." I said quietly and lost in thought about the same things as earlier.

"Hey? Kageyama is there something wrong?" Suga asked with a concerned voice.

"No, no there is nothing wrong. Everything is alright " I answered quickly, maybe a little bit too quickly and when I looked at both of them they had a concerned face.

I was quite happy that they didn't question about my mood change when Suga told me that Aoba Johsai was already here.

I walked along with them when we arrived at a big lake where there were cabins situated all around it. 'I guess that's where we are gonna stay' I thought and looked up at the sky enjoying the warm feeling of the sun on my skin.
And that's when I heard him, the person I didn't want to meet so soon after we arrived.

"Yoo-hoo..., Tobio-Chan!"

Words: 953

A/N: Hey lovely people I hope you enjoyed it so far ☺️😋
Can we call this a cliffhanger?:)
Anyways guess this is it for this chapter
Wish you all a nice day (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
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