Chapter 8

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Kageyama's POV

It's Sunday, today I'm feeling better and I think it's time for the cold to get away because I can't stay here in this cabin anymore. I have been laying and resting here for the past three days.

I missed out on the giant mikado activity and the rally. It makes me quite sad because I had begun to like our small group it was fun to do the activities with them. But I guess that my health comes before the rest.

I was still in thought when I felt my phone vibrate beside my pillow. I picked it up and looked at who was calling me. As I saw that it was my mom I immediately answered.

"Hey mom, how have you been?"

"Hey, Tobio, I'm so tired of working so much but besides that everything is fine. How about you, do you like it at the camp?"

"Mom, if you are tired then take a break, okay? You know overworking won't bring him back.... The camp has been amazing although I didn't get to do much cause I caught a cold and I have been resting for the past three days."

"Oh Honey, I'm so sorry to hear that, for how long will you stay there?"

"I think we will stay until next Saturday morning and then we'll come back"

"Okay, I hope you can enjoy the rest of the camp."

"I'll do the best out of it, ..." I paused for a moment, "but mom about what I said earlier if you don't want to take a break now then take a break from work when I get back home, one week that's all I ask for. So we have some time together and you can relax a bit... okay?" I asked her in a serious but at the same time pleading voice

"Okay, Tobio I will take a week off" she gave in

"Thank you, mom I don't want to see you suffering from overworking," I answer honestly

"I know and I wish that I wouldn't be working that much so I could spend more time with you, my baby boy..."

"I know mom, I wish that too because I really miss you."

"I wish I had spent more time with you in the last two years... I'm sorry I didn't."

"Don't worry too much about it now and go rest for a little while, I also have to hang up now," I tried to say in a reassuring voice so she wouldn't worry too much about it now.

"Okay bye Tobio, I love you and I hope you know that..."

"I know that, and I love you too. Bye rest well"

"Will do," was the last thing I heard before she hung up

I hope she takes care of herself I don't want, ... no I can't lose her like I lost my dad.

It was lunchtime and for the first time in the three days that I have been sick, it's the first time that I go to the cafeteria to eat with the others.

Nevertheless, I'm still sick so after I finish I go back to the cabin and lay down again trying to fall asleep.
As I do so, I hear the others outside talking and yelling about playing some volleyball matches. And that is the moment where I regret being sick because I also want to play with them, in the past week, we only got to play volleyball one time.

With this thought rushing through my mind I slowly feel myself falling asleep, into a dreamless slumber.


Iwazumi's POV

After three days without seeing him eating with the rest of the teams, he came to have lunch at the cafeteria today.

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