Chapter 4

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~Time Skip to after diner~

No one's POV

After everyone finished eating they helped to clean up and then every team went to their cabin to put on some warmer clothes because the temperature outside was slowly cooling off and they still wanted to go sit by the bonfire.

Once all the teams were all gathered around the bonfire the Coaches asked them if they could just listen for a moment.

"Everyone listen up! So during the afternoon the other coaches and I decided how to do the groups. We will call out the names of the students that will be in the different groups." coach Yamiji explained.
Then he let coach Ukai continue.
"Alright, let's begin. So in the first group there is Bokuto, Tsukishima, ..."
After some minutes there were only 6 people left Kageyama, Yamaguchi, Oikawa, Iwazumi, Akkashi, and Atsumu.

As Kageyama heard that he was in the same group as his senpais he got nervous and started to overthink about everything that could occur while he was with them in a group.

"Alright, boys that's it with the groups. The next thing would be the activities we will be doing in this first week. In each cabin will be a plan where you can see what is planned as activity for the day." Said Coach Ukai.

[The Plan for the first week]:

- Tuesday: Survival crossing —> You and your team will have to build the strongest raft possible and cross the lake.

- Wednesday: Falconry —> For half a day the different groups will be taught how to tame raptors, by a Professional Falconer The falconer will explain the tips and tricks you need to know in order to get the raptor flying fast between the different arms of your group mates

- Thursday: // They can do what they want

- Friday: The giant mikado —> this is like normal mikado but in big and every round one person of each team is going to play against each other. There will be 6 rounds

- Saturday: Rally —> The owners of this camp have already hidden things for this activity in the forest around us in advance. Then it is up to you to find the hidden objects based on the clues you have on a sheet of paper

- Sunday: // They can do what they want


Everyone was talking with their friend or teammates when someone from the Nekoma team called out.

"Hey guys I know that some of you will think this is a stupid idea but there is this cool song called 'The Campfire song' by TLT Musical, that some of you might know and I think it would be cool to sing together," the student said.

"I brought my guitar with me by chance and I know this song too, I could play it and you could sing along with it," said another student this time from the Shiratorizawa team.

"OKAAAYYY, then let's do it...!!" everyone said in unison.

[A/N: I would recommend listening to the song I put up there since I won't put the lyrics in here. Sorry]

-Student starts to play on the guitar and the other start singing-


After they finish singing the most of the students go back to the cabins because it's getting late an they are getting tired. But some students didn't want to go back yet [Hinata, Kenma, Kageyama, Akkashi, Bokuto, Kuroo, Oikawa, Iwazumi, Atsumu, and Tendou] so they all decided to play truth or dare for some time.

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