Chapter 5

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~Tuesday Morning~

Kageyama's POV

I woke up to the sudden bright light in the room and Noya yelling, "EVERYBODY, ... WAKE UP, IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP..."

"...Noya,... stop please it's too ...early for you to yell," Asahi said with a sleepy voice. "Yeah Noya, Asahi is right." I heard the other third years saying.

Either way, we have to get up, and as much as I wanted to continue sleeping I have to get up because we are supposed to meet the other teams in the cafeteria at 7:30 am and it's currently 6:50 am.
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~Time Skip to 7:10 am~

After I'm done I have some time left so I decide to go take a walk around the lake, to start my day with a little bit of peace.

While I was walking I listened to the birds chirping in the woods around us and the slight rustling of the leaves caused by the light breeze. It's rather fresh today outside so I put on a sweatshirt and some sweatpants.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around to see who it was, there I saw Iwazumi jogging towards me.

"Hey, Kageyama, ... wait, can I ... can I walk with you," he asked while slightly out of breath.

"Hey, Iwazumi, yeah sure" I answered
"How have you been"
"Good, how about you? What have you been up to?" I replied
"I'm good. The usual you know volleyball, school,..." he answered

Then we stopped talking for a moment walking in a comfortable silence until I remembered something.
"Iwazumi, ... thank you," he looked at me confused as to why I was thanking him, "for stopping him back then in middle school. I never thanked you, ..."
"No problem, a captain should never try to hit his Kouhai so I did what I had to do.

Then we were back to the silence, but it didn't last for too long because shortly after I heard him speak again. But I wasn't expecting what he was about to say.

"...Listen, I am not here to tell you to forget about the past, but could you try to forgive him one day. Just so you know, yesterday we talked and he really wants to make it up to you. He didn't say it but I think he misses you. I could hear out of his voice that he was sad and he knows that what he tried to do wasn't right. I hope that the time that we are spending here will help both of you," he finished and I was lost for words.

I thought a little about what I could say and then I told him what I had on my mind.
"...You know, on the way to the camp I was scared to see him, not because I thought that he would try to do something again, but I didn't know how to face him and also because I thought he would act as if nothing happened but hearing that he really wants to make it up kind of makes me mad and happy at the same time. Mad at myself because I was only thinking bad of him and happy because he wants to make it up, ... Nevertheless, I still need a bit of time but I guess that the time here at the camp will do it," I said with a small smile.


Oikawa's POV

We have already had breakfast now we are in our assigned groups standing by the Lake.

"So dear groups, as you know today's activity is called 'Survival crossing' , so basically every group has material they can use to build a raft, which you will use to cross the lake. The group who builds the best raft and makes it over to the other side of the lake wins," Karasuno's coach explained
"So now have fun, and don't forget, to get the best raft you have to build it as a team" Nekoma's coach continued.


"Soooo, ... does any of you guys know how to build a raft...?" Atsumu asked
"First we need logs and then we need rope so we can put the logs together" Akkashi replied calmly.
"I can go get the logs. Tobio-chan and Iwa-chan do you want to go with me? I asked both of them. "Yeah sure," they both replied.
"Ok so then let's go. In the meantime, guys can you go get the ropes?"
"Yes will be done right now," Atsumu said and began to walk away with Yamaguchi and Akkashi following him.

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