Chapter 6

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Oikawa's POV

It was now Wednesday night I was taking a walk with Iwa-chan around the camp. I am really excited because I want to tell him everything thing that happened yesterday with Tobio-chan and me.

But first, let me tell you a bit about today's activity we had during the afternoon.



"So, hello guys, and welcome to today's activity. My name is Takashi Nakamura, as you might know, I'm a professional Falconer, and today I am here to teach you how you can let a falcon fly from one to another person in your group. With my help and some tips and tricks, you will be able to let the Falcon fly from one of you to the other. This process will take two to three hours. Alright, I will prepare the things and soon we can begin." Nakamura finished his explanation.

Next, he went to his van and took out a cage that had a sort of blanket over it. 'I wonder why?' I thought

"Nakamura? What is the blanket over the cage for?" Atsumu asked as if he read my mind.
"Well, it's there so the Falcon won't get agitated by the new environment," he explained.
"Ohh..., okay thank you" Atsumu replied

Sometime later, after talking more about security measures and other important information Nakamura said we could begin. Slowly he took of the blanket of off the cage.
And OH MY GOD, I was lost for words. This Falcon was so beautiful.

Something like this one:

We all started at the beautiful, white falcon before we all said in unison,  "Wow!"

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We all started at the beautiful, white falcon before we all said in unison,  "Wow!"


It took us some time and some scary moments before we could make the falcon fly from one of us to another for a whole round.

As the activity took an end there was not much time until dinner, so I and the rest of the group just stayed at the same spot of the activity and talked.

*End of Flashback*


We already had dinner, now here I am, walking with Iwa-chan.

"Iwa-chan, I have some things to tell you, about what happened yesterday when I was with Tobio-chan, ..." I said happily getting his attention.
"Okay, but before you begin, I guess it went well because you seem happy," he said.
"Alright, you know, I said I should at least explain to him why I tried to do what I did, so I did it but then he began to cry because he was blaming himself for my actions and so I hugged him to calm him... and we sat there for like ten more minutes listening to the sound of the night. Then I walked him back to his teams cabin while holding hands..."

"Wait you held hands?" Iwa asked surprised, "Yes Iwa-chaaaannn~ and I can only say he has such soft hands," I replied excitedly
"You know now I also want to hold his hand in mine, but I guess I will have to wait for that moment to come..."

"Now that you are talking about holding hands with him, he asked me something that I nearly forget to tell you," I said when I remembered the question he asked me yesterday.

"Mhm?" he hummed to say he was still listening.
"So he asked me what I think about polyamory, ... and I said that I was open to trying it. I mean we both like him so what I said was the truth and I also told him that you were also open to a relationship with more than only one person."
"He asked you that!? Do you mean that by any chance he might like us back?" he asked me with hope in his eyes.
"I... hope so,"

I felt Iwa-chan stop walking and then take my hands in his and turn me around. He was now looking me in the eyes and said "What do you think about we plan something so we can spend more time with him," he asked me in a lovely voice
"I would love to..." I replied while slowly leaning forward and closing the gap between our bodies and then connecting our lips in a soft and sweet kiss.

Even though it wasn't our first Kiss I still feel excited every time I get to kiss my Iwa-chan.

Slowly I put my arms around his neck and I feel him putting his hands on my waist and pulling me even closer to him.
I felt him teasing me a bit by letting his tongue slide along my bottom lip. But shortly after he stopped and leaned back before giving me a peck on my forehead then on my nose and lastly on my cheek.
Finally resting his head in the crook of my neck and whispering "you know, I would like to continue but we're at the camp and I wouldn't want to be caught making out with my beautiful boyfriend..." he said giving me a small kiss on my neck before releasing his grip and backing away.

He stretches out his hand so I can take it and said "Come on it's getting late, let's head back to the cabin,"
"Yeah. OH... I almost forgot yesterday before I left him to go to sleep I pecked him on the forehead and he blushed, do you think it has something to mean?" I said with hope
"I don't know... maybe" he replied
"Hmph... I want to know if there is a chance or not 'cause if not I don't want to get my hopes too high...,"

"Don't stress too much baby, ok?" he asked me
"Yeah don't worry, I won't"

And like that, we were back to the cabin. I prepared myself for bed and the last thing I said was, "Goodnight Iwa-chan, love you..." it came out as a whisper.

Then I fell asleep.


Hey lovely Readers that's it for this chapter.
I have the feeling that the plot is getting boring with every chapter I write, I also have the feeling that I'm quite running out of ideas like l have one but that one is more for the and until there I don't have a fixed plot and idea.

Anywayyzzz, hope that you can enjoy it even if the plot isn't the best.😄
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Bye Bye 👋


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