Chapter 10

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Oikawa's Pov

I slowly wake up due to the feeling of someone caressing my cheek lightly, as I open my eyes I see Iwa-chan looking at me softly still with a sleepy look in his eyes.
He gives me a small smile and then leans in to give me a light peck on my forehead and then my nose, at that, I giggle a bit. As he leans back again I give him a quick peck on the cheek.
"Good morning 'Kawa," he whispered in his raspy morning voice.
"Morning~" I answered back, "what time is it?" I asked
"It should be around 8 am now,"
"What!? We have to get up to go to the cafeteria," I exclaimed and wanted to stand up to go get ready, that's when I felt Iwa-chan pull me back down and hug me tightly.
"Don't stress, I asked Makki and Mattsun to tell coach we would go join them a little later today," he informed me.
"Oh, okay thanks babe,"
"No problem, want to cuddle for 10 more minutes?" he asked with no intention of letting me go.
"How can I say no to my Iwa-chan being so clingy," I questioned him with a giggle
"Oi! I'm not being clingy Shittykawa, I just wanna cuddle a bit more, we don't have anything else to do today so..." he claimed with a pouting face.
"You know, I like it when you're like this, and besides we have something to do today,"
"What is it, I don't remember planning anything for today, ..." he asked confused
"Ahm I wanted to plan like a surprise for Tobio-chan where we would confess to him..."I answered truthfully not so confident of the idea anymore now that I said it out loud. "...but let's talk about this later I want to cuddle now," I continued, and in the process cuddling closer to Iwa-chan.
Although I was taller, even if it was only for a few inches, I liked to be a little spoon, so I lay there with Iwa-chan spooning me. After a few seconds, I felt him put his head on my shoulder and his arms tightly around me, as if I would run away. And like that, we lay there for some more time.

————————————Once we decided to get up, we got ready and went to the cafeteria to grab something to eat, then we went outside again

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Once we decided to get up, we got ready and went to the cafeteria to grab something to eat, then we went outside again.

Hand in hand we walked alongside each other to our 'usual' spot by the tree when we have nothing to do.
When we got there I sat down beside Iwa-chan and rested my head on his shoulder. I looked up at the sky and my thoughts went everywhere possible.
I have been thinking about what we could do to surprise Tobio-chan, but until now I didn't get a perfect Idea. The fact that I don't have the perfect plan to also tell Iwa-chan about it, is not my biggest problem or should I say... the thing I am most scared of.
I am really scared that we prepare everything and when the time comes to confess we will be rejected by him. At this point, I believe that the feelings I have for him goes beyond an 'I like you' feeling, the feeling is more of an 'I love you' feeling, and if I was to be rejected by him I think it would hurt and not just a bit.
[A/N: does this make sense with the 'I like you' feeling and the 'I love you' feeling?]

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts as I heard Iwazumi asking me something.
"Hey 'Kawa, what are you thinking about?"
"Uhh..., nothing just the thing I mentioned earlier about the surprise. I don't have an exact idea," I answered in an attempt to make him believe me, which turned out to be a difficult task because Iwa-chan knew exactly if I wasn't telling the whole truth.
"Are you sure that's everything that is going on in there?" he asked while he nudged my forehead with his finger.
"Yeah..." I replied not sounding very sure.
"Tōru, babe you know you can't lie to me. I have known you since our childhood and I am your boyfriend. If I wouldn't notice when you're not telling the truth or when you are thinking too much, then I would certainly be a bad boyfriend for you, ... " he paused "you know you can tell me everything, right?"
"... Fine, I give up. It-... it's just that I am scared that he will reject us..." I confessed in a low voice.

Iwa-chan gave me a tender kiss on my forehead and then he said "It's alright to be scared, you know I am also scared. But you know what we will prepare something nice and if he rejects us, in the end, we can still be friends"
"Okay..., I just don't want to get rejected, if so I will be hurt and I am sure you will be too," I sighed, looking a the floor and fiddling with my fingers.
Iwa-chan took my hands in his to calm me down and then he asked, "What do you think about, we brainstorm a bit for Ideas so we get those negative thoughts about this situation out of your head?"
All I replied was a low "hmm", after that I felt him let go of my hands and grab me by my waist to pull me onto his lap.
I was now sitting on his lap, with my legs on on each side of him and I crossed them behind his back, then I rested my forehead on his shoulder, just for him to slowly grab me by my chin a few seconds later and look me in the eyes.
The next thing I know, he is slowly leaning in and placing his lips against mine. I loved it when he kissed me because his kisses were always sweet, soft, and caring.
We were moving our lips in sync and after some time I felt him slowly bite my bottom, which caused me to let out a small moan, he took advantage of that and slipped his tongue into my mouth and started exploring it. Somehow the Kiss got way more heated than I think it should have gotten. I am not saying that I don't like it but I am quite scared that we get caught making out where everyone could see us. That would be embarrassing.
Nevertheless, because I missed it being like this and getting kissed like this since we got to the camp, I didn't stop him.

Several minutes later when we were both completely out of breath, he slowly pulled back looked me in the eyes, and then leaned back in once again to leave a last small peck on my lips. "I think we should really start to plan something," I said with a small laugh, "because if we don't start now I don't know when we are starting."
"You're right. Do you have anything in mind that you would like to do?" he questioned me.

I leaned my forehead to his and started telling him about the ideas I had but wasn't sure if they were good.
"Okay, so~ I thought that we could maybe have some sort of picnic in that treehouse from the activity from yesterday, because he seemed to have liked it there then we could maybe even sleep in the treehouse, we just need to organize things and ask our coach and Karasuno's coach if it is okay with them for us to do that. For the food, we could go ask the people who work in the cafeteria, and then if we would sleep there we would take some spare futons, pillows, and bed covers." I explained to him, "... but if you would like to cha-..." I was interrupted by Iwa-chan saying, "I don't have anything to say, that plan seems pretty good to me. And you must be excited about it to have already planned everything. I think we should do that." he answers and with that, he stopped the doubts that were starting to form in my mind.

With that, we spend some more time talking about who would do what and everything else that we would have to do for it to be perfect.


Nobody's POV

What Oikawa and Iwazumi didn't know was that while they were talking about the preparations for the surprise, a certain orange haired boy had been on a walk and overheard what the two older boys were talking about, so he decided to stopped by a tree to continue eavesdropping.

The person was surprised when he heard what the to upperclassmen were talking about, but he was happy because he knew that his best friend's feelings were mutual.
Kageyama didn't have to worry. Oikawa and Iwazumi also liked him back and they were preparing something for Kageyama.
The good friend Hinata is he would keep this secrete although he would like to tell it to Kageyama, but he wouldn't dare to ruin the surprise. He would wait to see his best friend to be happy and come tell him that he is dating Oikawa and Iwazumi.
He couldn't wait for that moment. In the meantime, he decided that he had heard enough and that he would go back to the others and spend time with them and act as if he didn't know about anything.

Hey hey♥️
Hope you liked this chapter, although it was a bit different.
Also, I am sorry about that Kiss scene but like I don't know hit to write them so I hope it wasn't that bad.

Feel free to leave a comment with things you liked or disliked or constructive criticism so I can get better at writing.

Bye Bye 👋🏼

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