Chapter 2 The Nightmare

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Chapter 2

I went to my room to do my homework and Aito came in saying, "I'm sorry about today. Please forgive me Ren for being selfish about fame." "Shut up and leave me alone. You can stay if you can help me finish this paper," I laughed. We worked on it for hours. We mostly joked around and then I went to bed. My dreams are always about the past, and how my team never trusted me anymore because they thought that I was conceited about myself, or something. But I mostly dreamed of the scary players from Japan. I was probably frightened from the traumatic events.

I was dribbling down the court as fast as I could with Kyle right next to me smiling. Kyle and I were playing point guard, so we always had to work together. I stopped and dribbled the ball from one hand to another. Everyone was being blocked and the other team was ready for anything. I dribbled around because if I stopped dribbling, I would have to pass. I kept dribbling and saw an opening to the hoop, so I ran towards it. I jumped in the air and a huge guy came and blocked me. I screamed because my nose started bleeding because I accidentally smashed the ball at my nose. I looked at the boy with purple hair. I couldn't see his face but I was scared.

I woke up quickly, finding myself screaming into the night. Daiki rushed into my room and hugged me saying, "It's ok Ren, it's ok. Your safe... your safe." I started crying because I was scared of what will happen to me. I heard the door open and Eri came in and said, "Let's go down stairs and drink some coffee. It's already two in the morning." We walked downstairs to find Aito and Eita, already there. I sat down at the table and Eita passed me a cup of tea , which is the only coffee allowed in the house. We sat there drinking coffee and tea, when Aito said, "Alright, let's get down to business. Why did you cut your hair Ren?" "I didn't cut it, Trinity cut it for me because she wants me to play basketball like I have dreamed of doing," answered them," I think she did a nice job with it, what do you think?" "Thats not the damn point, you idiot,"yelled Eri. Eita said," Is that a suitable reason to cross dress and become a guy?" "I have to agree with Eita, why would you do that just to play a sport you can't play?" said Daiki. Aito just grinned and said, "I'm so happy for you Ren! Thank you for doing this to yourself for me!" He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I could see my other brothers give him death glares as he hugged me. I finished my coffee and said, "I'm going back to bed, so goodnight."

I walked into my room and fell on my back on my bed. I thought about how long ago it was since I played basketball because of my arm. I bet Coach Aida is going to make me a benchwarmer because I was so useless to them. I looked up at the ceiling, and thinking of my parents. My mom was a figure skater who loved to compete. Coincidentally, my dad was a NHL player for the Montreal Maple Leaves. Once my dad met my mom at the Winter Olympics, they fell in love at first sight. Aito told me that our dad and our mom competed in figure skating together because our dad had retired. Our father thought Aito would have the winter sports gene, but he wasn't good at it like our father. I fell asleep thinking about the game this Saturday which was going to be my first practice game and to start over my basketball career.

I woke up to the sports news playing on my alarm clock. It said, "The Boston Celtics, won their first game this week. We are hoping that Aito Daisuke plays in the next game because he wasn't here for a couple of games due to being sick with a fever." So that was his great excuse for the press to come home this time. His team, the Boston Celtics, knew about us and our story. They always came up with a good excuse for the press when he needed to come home to us. The sports castor continued. "This week on Saturday, is the 20th anniversary memorial of the death of Chris and Yuki Daisuke. I kept listening to the sports news as I got dressed in my uniform. I combed my hair and walked out to the front room finding three brothers passed out on the kitchen counter. I poked Eita because he had school today. I said, "Eita, it's time for school." He didn't wake up. Then Eri walked down the stairs and hit him hard in the back of the head with the handle of his fencing sword yelling," Wake up you idiot!" Eita woke up and was now in a bad mood, also Aito and Daiki woke up the same way. I said, "Eita, it's time to go to school." He looked at the time on the clock on the wall and he rushed upstairs to change, yelling, "Holy crap! School, why do I have to still go!" "You only have one more year of school, unless you don't want to go to college," Aito yelled back. Just to remind you, Eita is a junior.

Trinity, Eri, and I started walking without Eita because if you are late at a certain time in my house, you usually walk to school alone. I kept walking with my friends and we stopped at the front gate of the school. I looked around seeing the huge kid named, Kagami Taiga, he was huge compared to my size. I walked in with Trinity and Eri and some girl came up to me holding a club sign up sheet. She asked shyly, "Can you please join the Judo Club?" Then a guy ran over and asked, "Can you join the Boxing Club?" "How about the Fencing Club," someone shouted. They kept shouting over themselves asking me to join a bunch of sports clubs. Eri whispered to me, "You could at least join fencing." He was hinting me because he wanted to make Aito get mad. I just kept walking and I was stopped by Kagami. He looked down at me and said, "Why don't you join the fencing club because you'd be good at that, shrimp."

Eri got so mad, and pointed his fencing sword at Kagami saying, "Don't talk to my brother that way." "Oh, so you wanna fight, Ren's big brother," said Kagami and smirked. Then my brother Eita came over panting, "No big guy, your going to fight me, her older brother." Kagami looked at Eri and then at Eita. He looked like he was super confused because he now didn't know which one was my older brother, so I said, "They are both my older brothers. "Kagami backed down because he heard the people whispering the odds of the fight because Eita is a judo master and also a sumo wrestler. He walked away and said, "We will fight against each other on the court at practice. We'll see who wins shrimp."

I went to my first class which was math class. I fell asleep and the teacher didn't notice me asleep, which was just luck. Trinity was asleep too, but she got caught and yelled at the teacher, "She didn't get caught! How come she isn't getting in trouble!" The teacher didn't care at all because I do not cause a lot of trouble in his class, or he was just annoyed. After that class, Trinity raved on, on how lucky I was that I could sleep through math class. The next class I had was history class, which I could stay awake in. I sat down in the back of the classroom and saw Kuroko asleep there already. Since he sat next to me I poked him lightly saying, "Umm, Kuroko?" His eyes opened and he said, "Yes, Ren. Good morning." Everyone walked in and didn't say anything to him because they didn't know he was there. I said, "Good morning, class is going to start soon, you know. You might as well wake up for it." "I'll try to stay awake for you," he said. I looked at him and lightly patted his head while blushing saying, "Umm, ok. If you fall asleep I can help you after school." "Thank you, Ren," he smiled. That was the first time I had ever seen him smile at me and talk a lot. I turned around to face the teacher, still blushing from what Kuroko said. In my entire life, I had never blushed from what a boy said.

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