Chapter 17 Sleepover at my House

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Chapter 17

I got up the next morning finding myself on the floor. I must have fallen out of bed, but who knows. I changed out of my tank top and short shorts. Then I changed into a t- shirt and skinny jeans, which was guy's clothes. I picked up a hoodie and I walked down the stairs to find everyone looking at my trophy. It said PPSL CHAMPIONSHIPS SCHOOL WINNER. I asked, "What's everyone staring at?" "Your team was the best in the Americas?" asked Kise. I sighed, "Who cares about a dumb trophy anyway." Trinity walked down the stairs and said, "Morning everyone." She walked down the stairs in one of my tank tops and short shorts. She walked through the kitchen and saw my trophy saying, "I haven't seem this one Ren! Why didn't you show me this one!" "I don't like awards," I said walking out the door.

I walked outside to spend my Saturday in peace. I sat in the grass and for some reason, Kuroko followed me. He laid right next to me and said, "You played in America like Kagami?" I nodded and Aito went outside and said, "Ren, get in here quick!" I ran in there and saw the TV on, with a American news reporter saying, "We are here with the "American Legends" and when they were the best middle school team in the Americas." I said, "Oh, God..." We watched Ned, Trent, and Kyle there with some of the middle school kids who use to be on the team getting interviewed. Then the news reporter said, "Mr. Daisuke, I heard you were the best player on the team." "I was the best because I want to win, of course," answered Ai. I put my hoodie on and walked out of the house. I ran down the street and I heard Aito yell, "Ren!" " What the hell are you doing!" yelled Eita. I replied, " I want to clear my name!"

When I got to the city, I saw the press there and I spotted Ned, Trent, Kyle, and Ai were there. The crowd was huge! I shoved my way to the front and one guy got really mad. He yelled, "What are you doing shrimp!" Ned got up from his chair and said, "No one calls him shrimp except for us!" "Yea," said Kyle and Trent. The American reporter said, "Who is this?" "I'm Ren Daisuke," I replied. She said bewildered, "I thought this girl was Ren?" She pointed to Ai and Trent said, "You asked her that, not us." The reporter interviewed us and she asked a lot of good questions. She asked me, "Are you a guy or a girl, Ren? These three guys said you were a girl" I answered, "I'm actually a guy. They just like teasing me." "Why do you play basketball?" asked the reporter. "I play basketball because I love to play," I answered, "I play because my brother, Aito taught me when I was little. He is my idol and I play all kinds of sports to make my brothers proud."

After the interview, we all hung out at the beach. I was in the changing room with Ai and she said, "Sorry for taking your spot." "It's okay, but don't do it again," I said. I walked on the beach and I saw my brothers, Kuroko, Trinity, Kuroko, Kise, and Kise's captain. I ran over to Trinity and she saw me. She ran over to me and hugged me. I walked back over with her, where my real friends were. I took off my hoodie and sat on the sand next to Kuroko. He looked at me and asked, "What do you think about the upcoming game against Too High?" "I think I can't play for that one because of my arm," I answered. He sighed and said, "I really wanted you to play on that day because we are going to be against Aomine. The ace player of the "Generation of Miracles"'. Why didn't I think ahead of myself, why didn't I even ask! I feel like an idiot. I said, "Why didn't you tell me?" "You need to rest a while to finish the healing of your arm. If you strain it more, you won't last for the championships maybe," he answered. I said, "I might not even play for the final round." He looked at me shocked and said, "Your not going to play the final round?"


It was early morning, on a cold and rainy Monday. As I walked down the hallway, you could hear all the sneakers squeak on the floor as you walked. I went to my locker and opened it to get my books, when a guy accidentally slammed my locker door, so fast like a cheetah running. He said to me, "Oh, my God! I'm so sorry were you hurt!" "No, I'm fine my fingers are okay," I showed my fingers to him. They weren't broken off because I moved them just in time. I have no idea, but I just realized now that trouble always follows me wherever I go.

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