Chapter 21 #1 Mom

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Chapter 21

Aomine wasn't who I expected he was. He didn't look like a nice guy, or he had it showing on his face. He looked like trouble, so I walked over to him saying, "Don't start bringing us trouble!" I didn't wear a wig or any girl's clothes while saying this, so I might get into a real fight again. "I'm not talking to you shorty!" he responded, "I'm only talking to Taiga." "Why don't you ask Ren to play you? He is better than I am," said Kagami. I didn't know he thought of me that way, but anyways. Aomine laughed and said, "He is better better than you? Look at his arm, it's broken and even is he could play he would play like Tetsuya. Weak and he might need someone to shoot for him." I got so pissed off that Kagami knew it. He looked at Aomine and said, "Don't talk to him like that... if you do, I'll kill you." I didn't know Kagami would do that for me, but I took the ball from Kagami and said, "Let's play." It was only a one on one, since Kagami told me that I couldn't play. I didn't know what to expect, so I just sat and watched.

At the end of the one on one, Kagami lost to Aomine. Aomine's skill isn't like Kagami's at all. He played like he was playing street ball, like how my brother Aito plays. As Aomine walked out he murmured, "Taiga is a waste of time." "Is everything a waste of time to you!" I yelled. He turned and said, "So the little shrimp is talking." "If you think life is a waste of time, think of your parents dying in a crash and you never spent time with them! Is that a waste of time, it is! I never knew my parents and if I could have any time with them, I would thank them for bringing me into this world!" I yelled and started crying a little out of sadness, "Do you call this a waste of time!" He walked up to me and said, "The next time we meet Daisuke." He didn't didn't give me the face he gave Kagami, but of guilt. He just walked away with no remorse at all.

When Kagami and I got back into the swimming pool area, the girl with pink hair was gone, so I then felt all of my jealousy leave me. I walked over to the coach and then out of nowhere, my brother Aito yelled, "Ren!" He hugged me and I gave a sigh of relief because I wasn't in the swimsuit I was in, which was a good thing. Aito kept making fun of me while we talked and I became so mad at him. Out of a funny laugh, Aito picked me up and threw me into the water. Well, I guess he forgot. As I was plunged into the water, I sunk down into the water. The truth is, I can play any sports my brothers throw at me, except for anything that is in a swimming pool. I could swim perfectly, but I will only swim in the ocean. Being in a swimming pool was a different story. I then started freaking out and not remembering how to swim, which happened when I was in a pool. Then I started blacking out because of all of the water that I had taken in. Then I felt some weak arms go around my waist, and hoisting me to the surface.

I woke up on the ground near the pool with one of the other freshman doing CPR on me. Aito then said, "I'm so sorry Ren I forgot you don't like pools." I got up slowly and said, "I'm going home." Aito walked with me to the car and he drove me home. Then I said, "Did you get the gift for Eita that I asked you to get?" "Sure did," said Aito. When we got home Eita was still at judo practice, so it was a good opportunity to wrap all of the gifts. While I did that everyone was working. Aito was cleaning the house, Daiki was in the kitchen trying to cook, while Eri was watching TV doing nothing. While I was wrapping the gifts everyone was giving Eita, I smelled something burning and then Daiki yelled, "Crap! The turkey is burning, no, it's on FIRE!" I got up to find Daiki rushing outside, while Aito ran right behind him to get the hose on. I sighed and thought, we are never going to make this perfect at all for Eita's birthday.

When Eita got home, we made the house completely dark. As he walked in I noticed Aito quietly crept up behind him. For some reason Eita suspected him behind him and quickly turning around he did some kind of judo move on Aito, which was kind of surprising. Aito fell on the ground really hard, surprisingly not breaking a bone and then Eita said, "Oh, it's you." Then the lights went on and Daiki and I yelled surprise." Eri wasn't paying attention because he was still watching TV. We all sat around the table and Daiki brought out the first course of the meal. He set it down in front of Eita, so he could cut it and Eita looked down at the so called "Turkey". "Is this suppose to be a turkey?" asked Eita. I answered for Daiki, "Uh, yea it is." "You know what, let's go out to dinner," said Aito.

Aito drove us down to Eita's favorite restaurant and we ate there instead of that burnt turkey. The restaurant was a healthy food restaurant, so that's why Eita likes it. When we finished eating, I brought all of the gifts we were giving Eita. He first opened Aito's gift, which was a Golden State Warriors Spatula. Just to remind you guys, Aito is not on the Boston Celtics anymore. Then he opened Daiki's gift, which consisted of a brand new mixing bowl and a cup that said, "Number 1 Chef!" The next gift he opened was mine. I was the latest cookbook of Bobby Flay and Martin Yan, his chef idols. He hugged me and said, "Oh Ren, you gave me the best present ever. I'll cook you guys some of these tomorrow." The last present he had to open was Eri's and Eri gives him the funniest presents. When Eita was handed Eri's gift, he looked like he didn't want to open it. He opened it anyways and then growled at Eri yelling, "Really!" We all looked at Eita and then Eri, trying to figure out what was going on. Since Aito was sitting next to Eita, he looked over at box and started to laugh. I was also sitting next to Eita, so I took a peak at it and joined with Aito in the laughter. In the box was a shirt that said something so true about Eita. The shirt read, "#1 Mom". When the news got to Daiki, everyone was laughing super hard. Then for making to much of a commotion, we got kicked out of the restaurant.

We got home at 1:00 in the morning and when I went to bed, I couldn't sleep because there was one more practice before the big game against Tōō High. I couldn't wait for that match because I wanted to be in the starting lineup so badly. I only had a week left to go until I would start my physical therapy and then be able to maybe play again. I fell asleep dreaming of the game. Then Aomine got into my dream and the look he gave me when I told him that playing Kagami wasn't a waste of time.


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Have great day!

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