Chapter 26 I Feel So...So... Sick

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  • Dedicated to James Naismith (The Creator/ Inventor of Basketball)

Chapter 26

After dinner, everyone was super full because we had to eat three bowls of rice and the food they gave us. It was super filling and I felt like I would die! Now when I think of it, I would rather play with my brother and his NBA friends. It was much easier for me and I would probably learn more quickly. I got up from the table when I finished and walked to the kitchen, so it could get washed. After that, I walked down the hall and someone said, "So, your Ren Daisuke. It's nice to meet you I'm Kiyoshi Teppei and I'm sorry I didn't personally introduce myself." He held out his hand for me to shake, which I did. He was super tall with light brown hair and eyes. "Yes, I'm Ren. Is there something I could help you with?" I asked. He looked down at me and said, "So, your the kid who I've heard took my center position." "Yea, I have some experience of playing that. I actually play point guard though. I like that position and that's what I use to play before I came here," I said and he asked, "You look like a point guard alright, but why are you a center? No offense, but your not tall enough to play center." "I know," I said nicely, "I just do what I'm told."

When I was done talking to Kiyoshi, I went to bed. All of the guys were sleeping in there and I had to sleep there to. The coach didn't give me any accommodations for this, so I don't care. I put my sleeping bag in between two people and got ready for bed. When I got into my sleeping bag, I looked up at the ceiling just staring at it until I fell asleep.

The next morning, I felt something around me. I looked down and saw I was out of my sleeping bag and somebody's arms were around me. I carefully turned my head to see who it was and it was Kuroko! He looked so cute right now, with his blue hair in his face. I carefully pulled the hair away from his face and I saw him sleeping peacefully. I tried to get out of his hold, but he was holding me tight. I had to wait until he loosened his grip, when he did I quietly got out of bed to go brush my teeth and to brush my hair. Well, I bet your thinking why would I do that with the boys haircut, but if your use to brushing your hair everyday, I bet you would do the same thing. When I got into the boy's bathroom, I started to brush my teeth. Then I noticed Kuroko walk in and I said, "Good morning." "Good morning Ren," he said smiling. He stood at the sink next to me and started to brush his teeth. A couple seconds later, Kagami came in and stood near Kuroko and started to brush his teeth. We all spit in the sink at the same time, and that was when Kagami only noticed Kuroko by yelling at him, "What the hell Kuroko! What are you doing here!" I wasn't noticed since I was a little shorter than Kuroko. "Good morning Kagami," said Kuroko and then I peeked out from behind Kuroko and said, "We came here to get ready for the day you moron." He got kind of mad and we started to argue. Then Kagami said, "Why are you even in here, your a girl!" "Well, if I go to the girl's bathroom all of the women in this place will get mad," I answered.

We were almost done with getting ready, when Midorima and one of the players on his team walked in. Kagami had his head turned and was staring at something. Kuroko and I turned around to see what he was staring at and we saw Midorima and him were staring at each other shocked. The only thing said was by Kuroko. He said, "Hello." That was when Midorima started yelling, "What the hell are you guys doing here! We train here every year, it's been a tradition." Then, the coach came in with a knife in her hands and what looked like blood, was smeared on her face and she said, "We're all waiting for you in the cafeteria." That was when everyone in there, except the coach, freaked out." "What the hell is your school?!" "It's Serin High Scool," replied Kuroko. Then Midorima yelled, "Not that!" "Coach Aida, is that blood smeared on you?" I asked politely. Then she said, "Oh, this? It's ketchup."

I walked with Kagami, Kuroko, and the coach to our table. When I sat down, a plate was brought before me and it was huge! It had eggs, a ton of bacon in a pile, hash browns, and a bowl of rice. "Do we have to eat it all?!" asked a freshman. Then the captain walked over with his and said, "You have to eat at least three bowls." "What!" everyone yelled. Kagami and Kuroko sat on each side of me to eat, when I said, "Can we dump in when the captain is gone?" Then one of the freshman pointed behind me and I looked to see Coach Aida say, "Now you have to eat four bowls Ren." That made me feel even more sick. I started eating like everyone else.

Nobody could make it to the third. We were just so full that we felt sick, but Kagami said, "One more bowl please." The coach was happy about that and Kuroko said, "May I go to the bathroom please?" "If you throw it up, you get one more bowl Kuroko," said the coach. Everyone was stuffed after that and I felt really sick, since I had four bowls of rice! The coach brought us to the gym, where we would play with Shotoku High. We got ready to start practicing with them and while we were playing, I noticed Kagami wasn't there. It seemed like hours we played. Near the end of the scrimmage, somebody I didn't want here said, "Hey shrimp!" Oh no, not them. "Hey captain, it's great to see you." Yuta High had shown up again, at the right time and place. He walked over and tussled my hair. They dragged me off of the court while the game was still playing. "Let me go!" I yelled, "I'm still playing!" "Let her go you thugs," yelled Coach Aida. It turned wild and crazy! I yelled, "Guys, I'm training!" He let me go once I punched him super hard in the face. After the game, we were forced to stand in trash bins with ice filled in them. This was pure torture! Kiyoshi started saying, "Everyone has been turning stronger!" He kept smiling to himself in the corner of the backyard. He was so weird!

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