Chapter 25 The Training Camp of Hell

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Chapter 25

I ran down the court and dodged Aito's steal and dunked the ball into the basket. Aito rebounded the ball and took the ball out, dribbling the ball down the court. He while I was guarding Aito, I tried to stay next to him, but he knew me like a book. He started to get ready to shot, so I jumped in the air to block the ball, but he changed what he was doing and went around me, dunking the ball. Since I failed, I went on the ground and started doing my push- ups. Aito looked down at me and said, "So, I guess your excited that you don't have to go to 'Aito's NBA Summer Camp'. What is this, a vacation!" "Well, it's a new experience, and yea it is a vacation," I said. He started laughing and then said, "Wait until you play the captain of the 'Generation of Miracles'. You will be so chickened out. You might not win against him because you haven't found your basketball talent." "Well, you know what my talent is. I just asked you not to tell me," I said. I got up from doing my push- ups and said, "I just want to find out on my own, but I know Akashi wants it for his team. If it's so important, then what's so important about it." "Well, when you are about to play Rakuzan, then I'll tell you his talent." I nodded and said, "I have to go to school, I can't be late." Aito walked with me to the car and drove me to school.

When I got out of the car, then Eri and Eita tackled me down. Eita yelled, "No fair! Aito got to drive you!" "Yea, no fair! When did Ren get to be driven!" said Eri. Then we all burst out laughing because they loved me and they were the best brothers ever, since they both let me off the hook. As I walked into the hallway towards my locker, I saw the captain there and said, "You got your luggage for the trip today?" "Yup," I said holding my sleeping bag and my big duffel bag. I opened my locker and shoved all of the stuff I needed for the trip. As I closed the locker door, someone said, "Hey Ren, good morning." I turned to see Kuroko putting his stuff into his locker and I replied, "God morning, Kuroko." He smiled, which made me smile and when I turned around to face my locker again, I felt myself blush. Then I grabbed my books for my next class and my guitar case with me.

During class, the teacher was talking about how in history we had to learn from our ancestor's mistakes. "In my opinion," said my history teacher, "We learn history to learn from our ancestor's mistakes, so we don't make mistakes in the future." History finally turned super boring for the first time ever. "Oh, and before I forget," said my teacher, "You guys have to turn in a ten page essay on how you would like to contribute to history." Then I thought to myself, great I have to write a ten page essay and I don't even know what I would like to contribute. More work added onto my school day offs at camp. Well, on the bus ride I could write my rough draft.

Then when the bell rang, I ran to the auditorium. There was a ton of people there ready to audition for the talent show. I looked around at the instruments on the stage like a little girl again. When it my name was called to present my talent, I took out my treasured guitar, and ran to the stage. I started to sing about my past life and now, how everyone was very kind to me. Then when I knew the guitar wasn't needed, I used the violin nearby to play. Everyone got sad from the song, but the judges let me into the talent show.

After the talent show, the team was told by Coach Aida to come to one of the classrooms to try her cooking. I walked with the captain and said, "Why are we using our studying period to go try her cooking?" "Oh crap, we need to get her out of the cooking position," yelled the captain. I asked, "Why?" "Have you ever tried her cooking? You will die!" said the captain said. As we walked in I looked over at Coach Aida, who was wearing a apron and cooking. I sat in between Kagami and Kuroko, so I wouldn't be noticed. Before she gave everyone a plate, she said, "I would like to introduce you guys to Kiyoshi Teppei, our old center. Please welcome him back." Everyone clapped and the captain looked a little annoyed while the other seniors were happy to see him. Then everyone got a plate and we had to try it. I took my fork and took a bite, which was probably a bad idea. I felt so sick! I think I got food poisoning! I felt so sick, I fell backwards in my chair. Everyone looked down at me the seniors looked like they wanted to do the same thing. The coach then said, "Maybe I put a little too much garlic." Then the captain started eating the food quickly saying, "It's good!" he started gobbling the food down. He got up saying, "I need to get water, it's too spicy." He walked out of the room and another senior followed him out. Then he yelled, "He died!" Then Kuroko looked down at me and said, "Do you want help up?" "Yes please," I said blushing.

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