Chapter 5 The Get Well Embarrassment

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Chapter 5

I woke up in the hospital with bandages on my head. I looked around the room, where I found Aito there sitting in a chair that he pulled up toward the bed. I touched his cheek and they felt a little damp, which meant he had been crying for some reason. I had no idea how I ended up here, the last place I was at was the sport center. Then I heard Aito wake up and he looked at me, saying," Don't, scare me again... Please don't Ren." He started crying again and said," Don't scare us again, we though we lost you." After he was done crying, he told me that he got a phone call from the hospital by my coach. He said that the team kept playing because they wanted to win for me and they did." So, how long have I been out for?" I asked. My brother looked at me and said," About three days." I nodded and said," Where is my homework?" "Ummm, your brothers and I have been doing all of your homework for you," he said. "WHAT!" I yelled," I can do my own homework!"

I kept talking with my brother, until he had to go. My first visitor of the day was Keiko and her mother, Ms. Tanaka. She brought her backpack and I offered her help with her homework. Ms. Tanaka replied quickly," That isn't necessary Mr. Daisuke, you should be getting well." I answered," No it's fine. I have nothing to do anyway." Keiko and I started on her homework, while her mom went to get something. When we were done, I put on the Chicago Bulls on. Then Keiko asked a billion questions about basketball. The whole entire basketball team came in the thrid period of the Bulls game. The coach ran through the door yelling," Your awake now!" The first person Coach Aida saw was Keiko and she said," Is that your sister?" "No she is not, sadly. I wish she was, but I only have brothers," I responded." I couldn't get your parents, so I called your brother, Aito since he told me his phone number, for these kinds of situations," she said." My parents are dead, every since I was little, I had no parents while growing up," I answered.

Everyone started talking about how all the seniors, Kagami, and Kuroko played their hardest to win. Keiko was excited to hear about the game and she asked questions about how to play because she didn't know how to play. Everyone acted kindly to her questions by answering them, without acting like she was suppose to know already. Except for Kagami, who acted that way, but Kuroko was kind enough to explain it to her in more detail after Kagami finished with his answers. Then Ms. Tanaka came and picked her up and then Keiko complained saying," I want to keep hanging out with Ren, please mom!" I smiled and patted her head saying," Don't worry, you can come tomorrow." I smiled at her and she hugged me back asking," Can I really come back tomorrow?" "Sure you can. I could use all the company I can get," I smile at her and hugged her back. She left with her mother waving to me before she finally left. Then Kagami said," How are you so good with kids? Are you a girl or something?"

Then there was silence in the room, until Daiki ran in panting and he looked at me saying," You idiot, we thought you would die this time! You should be happy that Eita told me. That idiot always jokes about passing out and I thought he was joking with me, by using your name." He hugged me and he looked like he would cry, but he didn't because he would knew he would look bad in front of the team.

Everyone left to go home, but the only player who stayed was Kuroko. Daiki, Kuroko, and I were the only ones there now. Daiki said to me," Oh, I forgot to tell you," he said to me," Trinity is coming here with Aito, Eita, and Eri" I smiled and said," I haven't seen Trinity in awhile. Oh, shit," I hit my head lightly," I forgot about her volleyball game." "We'll, you could make another one," said Daiki and he looked at Kuroko," Who is he?" "Oh this is Kuroko Tetsuya, he is in my homeroom and in my history class. Kuroko, this is my brother Daiki," I said. My brother said," It's nice to meet you, Kuroko." "It's nice to meet you," said Kuroko. They both shook each others hands in greeting

Then someone opened the door quickly and I heard someone yell," Ren you dumbass, you worried us bro!" It was Eita who said this and Eri punched him in the back of the head saying," Shut up, Eita." " Hey!" yelled Aito and held Eita's fist, which was suppose to hit Eri with. They all looked up and saw Kuroko. I said," This Kuroko Tetsuya. Kuroko, these are my brothers." Aito said," I'm the oldest of all of them and I play basketball for a living because I love it so much. I'm Aito, by the way," said Aito doing some weird pose. Then Daiki did a pose and said," I'm his second older brother Daiki, I am a boxer." "I'm a judo master and a sumo wrestler. I'm Eita his third older brother," Eita said doing a pose while pointing at me. Eri also did a weird pose and said,"I am Eri, I'm his fourth older brother. I'm a archer and a fencer." For some reason, they had to give off what sports they played and giving weird poses to go with them.. It always embarrassed me because it isn't necessary. Then Trinity ran in with the big finale doing a cheer by introducing herself. "I'm Trinity, I'm Trinity. I cheer, oh yea, I cheer, oh yea. I spike, I serve, I bump, I set. I'm Trinity!" Trinity looked at me quickly to see my reaction and she smirked because I bet she can tell I look embarrassed.

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