Chapter 4

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My dad put me in the closet ndd told me to wait for him to come bakk. I wait til da shots was ova ndd walked out the office. "Wea my dad???" Asked his workers bhudd they jus looked at me. I seen some of them crowded around ndd i pushe throw them. All i seen was blood ndd my dad. I could believe my dad was shot ndd while i was in da same house. I felt a hand on my shoulder ndd pushed them off. I walked up to my dad ndd put him in my lap.
*convo between us*
Dad: angel *coughs*
Me: dad *cries*
Dad: im sorry i let yhuhh down
Me: no yhuhh didnt dad yhuhh never let me down
Dad: remember something
Me: wut dad
Dad: dat yhuhh my angel ndd im gonna be around no matter wea im at
Me: dad dont leave me yhuhh all i have left
Dad: yhuhh have Deshawn angel he gonna take care of yhuhh i promise
Me: i love yhuhh dad i promise yhuhh gonna live jus stay widd me
Dad: i-i love yhuhh to angel *goes limp*
Me: dad... dad... daddy wake up
*convo ends*
My mom ndd dad dead now. I gotta plan my dad fukkin funeral ndd live widd a guy ion even no. I swear imma kill who ever killed them.
I felt somebody pick me up bhudd i could leave my dad layin there. I kissed him then threw the blanket ova him. "Bye dad i love yhuhh." I felt on my knees ndd cried. I felt myself bein lifted bridle style by this guy i met eariler today.
We go to his house ndd he took me to da guess room. I jus cried my lil eyes out. Wen i did stop cryin i went downstairs ndd watched tv widd Deshawn. After like 5 minutes he cut the tv off ndd turned towards me. I looked at him ndd smiled. He was like the only person rite now dat could make me smile.
All of a sudden my head started goin through memories. I remembered Deshawn. He use to be my bf from grade skool bhudd wen he moved we broke up. Now i no y my dad said he would take care of me. He was stepping down ndd was givin his place to Deshawn.
*convo between us*
Deshawn: i didnt no he was yo dad Rain
Rain: ik bhudd yhuhh knew who i was earlier today??
Deshawn: yea i remembered who yhuhh was wen i seen yhuhh come out da house
Rain: i thought i remembered yhuhh we use to go together in grade skool
Deshawn: yelp til i moved out here
Rain: *she smiles* im glad my dad found yhuhh
Deshawn: yea now we can pick up wea we left off
Rain: yhuhh sure
Deshawn: i waited for yhuhh my whole life Rain... all the otha females i was widd couldn't treat me da way yhuhh did ndd i left every female alone hopping i could find yhuhh.
Rain: so yhuhh was---
Deshawn: single for a long tyme.... Yea tell me something i aint heard *smiles*
Rain: *smiles* i missed yhuhh to *kiss him*
Deshawn: *kiss ha* yhuhh sleepin in my bed iight
Rain: no i like da otha room betta
Deshawn: iight we can sleep in there
Rain: ok
*convo ends*
I got my man bakk yass. Da only thing is dat i wish my dad was still here widd me. We went in da room ndd started watchin tv. Deshawn was playin widd my feet like a lil boy bhudd it reminded me of how he use to play wen we lived in Chicago. After a hour of playin he grabbed me ndd put me on top of him. He whispered in my ear like he use to. Da last thing he said was " i promise i wont let nobody hurt yhuhh" ndd he went to sleep. I layed on da bed bhudd put my head on him ndd went to sleep.

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