"I wouldn't try to pin me." - Kaden

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Emilio ran.

He continued to run for three days. Not stopping to eat or rest, which was normal for him. HE would sometimes make him go days without food. And he learned how to go without sleep as well. And it didn't help that he was still full of adrenaline.

He didn't stop, until he got to the sea. When he first saw it he was amazed at how big it was. His mom told him about it and the pull that he was starting to feel.

He was filled with another kind of adrenaline as he ran yet again to get to the body of water that was calling him to come.

Emilio was pulled to the edge of the water, and the closer he got, the stronger it was. He paused at the edge, feeling something in his head.

He wasn't able to contact his Siren like his mom when he turned six, but now he felt another presence in his head. It wasn't like his mom said, she said it was uncomfortable and like another was taking over her body.

But Emilio felt a warmth and was comfortable with it. He felt the presence peer through his eyes, and then he heard it. "Hey, sorry, I haven't come forward sooner. I'm Eli." The presence said, and Emilio thought that it felt like it was always there.

"That's because I have always been here. I just haven't been able to contact you or let you feel my presence, but now that the glass is gone, you can!" He said, sounding very happy.

'So you can just hear my thoughts?' Emilio thought. "Yep, and can you do me a favor? I really want to feel the water. Can I get in? Please?" Eli answered in a pleading voice.

Emilio smiled. He looked down the beach and saw some trees in the distance. 'How about I find some shelter for the night, and we can go swimming after? Or just find a spot to set this stuff down.'

Emilio felt the satisfaction from Eli at that plan, and started to run down the beach toward the trees, just as eager as Eli to get in the water.

When Emilio reached the trees he saw that they were closer together than he thought. He walked along them to see if he could find a small break, but the farther he got away from the water the more unsafe he felt.

So he headed back to the water, when he reached it he again paused. When he stepped into the water he felt safer than he ever had before.

Smiling softly he waded farther in and continued his search. He didn't have to go very far before he found a small break in the trees. "Well, it's a good thing that you're small." Eli said.

'Hey! I can hear that smirk!' Emilio thought. Eli just chuckled, "Well, can you find a tree so we can go swimming?" Emilio laughed, and started to look for a sturdy tree.

It took another good half an hour before he found the perfect tree. He climbed into it and found a good place to put his bag in. Then he striped so he didn't ruin any of his clothes, and climbed back out.

He waded farther into the water, until he was half under and shifted into his siren form, of white, and pale blue, green and purple scales and webs.

Emilio felt Eli half take over and if he was honest with himself it felt good to not be incharge of what happens with his body, so he let Eli take full charge. Emilio was surprised at the feeling of not being in control, he could see and feel everything but he wasnt the one doing them.

Eli was so happy to finally be able to feel water, he dove in right away. Easily weaving through the trees he swam deeper into the waves heading for the open water.

After playing around in the water until it was too dark to see what he was doing, he headed back to the trees, rinsed off in a fresh water stream before letting Emilio climb up the tree.

When he reached the spot he had put his stuff in he dried off and got dressed. Sitting on the edge of the branch he made a small nest with his blankets. Curling into his nest and getting comfy he noticed that his back wasn't hurting as much as before, with this thought he fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

Emilio was woken up by something moving around next to him. He kept his eyes closed, and listened to the sounds, until they stopped. He felt a warm breath on his ear, "I know your awake." Emilios eyes snapped open and he turned attacking the person that dared to go through his stuff, get in his nest, and whisper in his ear.

"His eyes! He's our mate!" Eli shouted in excitement. 'What? Mate?' Emilio thought, pausing to look at the man's bright but dark brown eyes. And ended up getting a good inhale of his scent, that was surprisingly calming and reminded him of a stormy night in front of a warm fire with a cup of cocoa.

His pause and the distraction of what Eli said, was enough for the man to flip them over pinning Emilio to his nest.

"I wouldn't try to pin me." The man hissed, before he looked into Emilio's eyes, shocked, "Mate!"

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