"As you wish!" - Kaden

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"What?" Lily asked, sounding mad.

"You heard me. I'm not going with you." Eli said. He was sure that he wasn't going back, even if he left Kaden, he wasn't going back to HIM.

"Why? You need to come home." Lily asked. Eli gave Emilio the control, knowing that this was something that Emilio was needing to say, "Because, that's not my home any more. And I'm not going back. I can't go back."

Kaden looked at him confused, and Lily looked shocked. "What do you mean it's not your home?" Lily asked, sounding disgusted at the thought.

"Exactly that. It's not my home. I'm eighteen and I am not going back to that house. It's time I moved on. Plus there is nothing there for me." Emilio said, casually, shrugging his shoulders.

"What about me?" Lily asked. "What about you?" Emilio, wasn't very happy that she was insistent that he go back, and didn't care if he hurt her feelings.

She had been being rude to his mate and was stereotyping him as a vampire, meaning that she thought he was evil, which yeah he had done but he was quick to move past that.

Lily however wasn't hurt, she was furious, "You have to come back with me! You can't stay here! Not with this-this vampire!"

Kaden had been sitting on the stairs, leaning against the wall on the other side of the banister, watching, letting Emilio have this conversation as well, but staying where he could help him if need be.

Now he leaned forward, "Why? I have a room and food for him. Why can't he stay here? Is there something wrong with him choosing where he lives?" He asked, innocently, staring at Lily.

"You know that that comment on the room can mean anything?" Zayde snickered.

'Hey, we have to wait for Emilio to give us permission.' Kaden warned. Lily stared at Kaden like he was crazy.

"No! He can live wherever he want's but I won't let him live here with you!" She said, completely offended.

"But what if I want to stay here?" Emilio asked. Kaden and Lily both looked at him, Kaden with hope and Lily with disdain. "Why would you ever want to stay here?" She asked.

"If you have such a big issue with being here, why are you still here? It's his choice as much as it's your choice. He has the ability to leave and doesn't want to." Kaden asked back.

Emilio watched as his old best friend and his mate argued. They seemed to forget that he was there in the next five minutes, even if he was the subject.

He reached down and grabbed the bigger pieces of the vase, putting them on the table. He realized after a good ten minutes that if he didn't say anything then they were going to argue until it got physical and he knew that Kaden would win if they did.

Emilio didn't even know what they were arguing about anymore.

"Why is she even still here? She is angering Kaden! Get her out!" Eli said, starting to make a fuss again. Emilio sighed, looking up he noticed that Lily had her fists clenched, and he knew that that meant that she was getting ready to get physical.

He hadn't realized that they were already to that point, but he had to stop the fight before he couldn't. And He was not going to step in between a vampire and his prey.

"Hey, stop!" Emilio said, watching Lily clench her fist harder. Both Kaden and Lily went silent immediately and looked at him.

He realized that he didn't know what he was supposed to say, but knew he needed to get Lily off Kaden's territory, and Kaden needed to take her so she wasn't hurt on the way out, including by him.

"I know you don't like each other. But Lily you need to leave. Don't! Don't say anything!" Emilio paused to making sure Lily wasn't gonna interrupt.

"I need to stay here. Kaden was gonna help me with finding something and he won't hurt me. But you need to leave. And you can't go through the forest by yourself, or you can get yourself killed. Don't ask why, but you need to let him take you out. And you can't come back, or send anyone else in. Please! Go!"

Emilio wasn't sure what Lily would think but he knew that if Kaden took her into the forest he would stay silent. And if Kaden needed to shut her up he would knock her out until he got her a safe distance from the forest.

But he still needed make sure to tell Kaden this so he turned to look at him, "And, Kaden, you can't hurt her on the way out! Unless you need to knock her out to keep her quiet on the way out, don't touch her! And get her safely out of this forest. I will be waiting here for you to get back. Now, do you understand?" He looked at both of them sternly, waiting for an answer, and wanting this to be over.

Lily looked at him, "Your eyes, they're green, weren't they just blue?!"

Emilio didn't answer, he just glared at her, "Do you understand?" He asked again but sterner, not happy that she wasn't answering and was trying to change the subject.

Kaden stood and Emilio looked passed Lily to see him nod reluctantly. Looking back at Lily he waited for a response. "No! I'm not leaving you here! You're coming back with me!" She said, crossing her arms.

Eli took over, officially done with her, he turned to Kaden and said, "You have my permission to knock her out as many times as need be, to get her to her jeep, that I'm pretty sure is just outside the forest, next to the beach. Just get her away from Emilio and I. Please, just get her away!" Lily looked at him with horror.

Kaden smirked, "As you wish!"

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