"But he's not a royal, is he?" - Zayde

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"Mate!" The man said, closing his eyes and pausing to take a long inhale of Emilio's scent. Emilio just stared at him panting, and listing to Eli yelling and chanting in joy at the scent that continued to fill his whole being.

Emilio took this brief moment to study the man that was pinning him to his own nest. The man was at least six feet tall, had a mess of blond curls, the most beautiful brown eyes he had ever seen, and definitely worked out.

When Emilios eyes fell on the man's lips, he lost all control of his breathing and thoughts.

Then the fact that the man was in his nest, without his permission, hit him.

Not realizing that Emilio was using all his strength, he flung the man off him. He also forgot that he was in a tree, until the man hit a tree opposite him and fell into the five inch's of water at the bottom.

The man stood, soaked, and glared at the astonished and scared face of the siren in the tree. Eli started whining at the fact that his mate wasn't pinning him anymore.

And all Emilio could say in response was, 'Well, he was in my nest. Mate or not he as an alpha should have known that he needs to stay out of my nest unless I give him permission.'

Eli huffed, "Fine, you do have a point... but I still don't like that you hurt him."

Emilio was astonished at the fact that Eli was worried about a man that hadn't even given him a name, had touched his stuff and had gotten in his nest.

Eli heard these thoughts and had to give the sarcastic reply of, "Well, he technically wasn't past the border until he pinned us. Which was hot!"

Emilio looked away from the glaring man to see that Eli was correct and the nest was small enough that the man hadn't actually touched his nest and felt bad for flinging him off the tree.

The man climbed back into the tree, and sat on a branch out of reach, "You have a strong kick, for an omega." Emilio felt Eli shiver at the sound of the mans voice.

But then Eli realized what he said, and took control. The mans eyes widened at the sight of Emilio's eyes changing from their bright forest green to the pale sea blue of Eli's.

"Don't underestimate me. Just because I'm an omega doesn't mean I don't know how to fight! I am still a person, and if anything, I should know how to fight because I am an omega!" The man smiled at this, as if he was pleased with the response.

"I'm Kaden. And you are?" He asked, his smile turning into a challenging smirk. "Eli." Emilio shook his head, smiling at the coldness of his voice. He was happy that Eli could be cold sometimes.

Kaden was very happy that his omega knew how to fight, and he had realized that he was a Siren. "Well, Eli. You're on my territory."

Eli looked confused for a second than he whispered, just slightly panicked, "You're a Vampire!" It was so quiet that Kaden almost didn't hear him.

"I'm sorry! I didn't realize that I crossed into your territory! I'll leave now!" Kaden could tell that Eli was fully panicking now, as he started to pack his stuff up with quick movements.

He just sat there in shock for a minute, then he realized that he was misunderstood, and had to remedy it. "No! That's not what I was meaning."

Eli paused and turned to face him, confusion written all over his face, "What? What did you mean? I'm on your territory. And mum always said that vampires were overprotective of their stuff, including land."

Kaden was surprised that he was still taught about vampires. Vampires were even rarer than humans since the virus started, and that's saying something sense humans were rare.

"Well, yes. We are protective of our stuff. And you would be considered as mine. You are my mate." Kaden was very pleased about the bright red that flooded Elis face.

"Well, I'm not yours until you mark me." Eli mumbled.

"Do you want me to mark you?" Kaden asked, going serious.

"No! Not until we get to know him. Please, Eli!" Emilio said, butting into the conversation. 'Ok, but you know that we will be getting his mark eventually. Well, his and our other mates! I can't wait to meet them.' Eli responded, and getting distracted.

Emilio took control so Eli couldn't say anything that would embarrass him. "I would prefer it if we could get to know each other first." he responded, noting that Kaden was again looking shocked at his eyes.

"Is there something wrong with my eyes?" Emilio asked, frowning. "No! Sorry. I just have never seen a sirens eye color change."

To say Emilio was shocked would be an understatement. "W-what?" He stammered.

'Eli, what does he mean? Do our eyes change colors?' Eli was confused too, "I don't know I can't see our eyes! But they might. I mean I don't know of any sirens who can change their eye color."

Kaden's POV

Kaden was confused. 'Hey, Zayde. Do you know of any sirens that can change their eye color?'

Zayde, his vampire, was also confused, "No. Well, there was a myth that a royal sirens eyes change when their siren takes over. But he's not a royal, is he?"

Kaden looked at Emilio, "Hey, Eli. Are you a royal?"

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