"And who are they?" - Emilio

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"Yes. He can take control. And I'm Emilio." He said, gesturing to himself with the last comment.

Kaden snickered at the motion, "So when your eyes are green, you're Emilio. And when they're blue, you're Eli?"

Emilio choked on the food the had just placed in his mouth, 'Blue? Eli, you have blue eyes?!' Emilio asked in astonishment.

The siren was full on laughing now, he couldn't believe that Emilio was this amazed with his own eyes.

Then the siren remembered the men at the door. And made the mistake of reminding Emilio, "Wait! What happened? And who are they?"

Emilio looked at the two in the doorway with a frown, "Who are they?" He had said the last part in a quiet whisper, with only a slight tremble, remembering that Kaden had said that he lived alone.

The only light in the room was the lamp on the nightstand, and the two at the door had their backs to the light that was in the hall, so Emilio couldn't see their faces.

The shorter of the two, the one in the green, looked to the other, and getting a nod, he walked towards the bed.

Andy's POV

Andramadis looked down to see Emris waiting for permission to go over to the bed. Smiling, he nodded and watched as Emris slowly made his way to the edge of the bed.

"You're Emilio?" Emris asked the boy on the bed. The boy nodded, "And you are? Wait, are you a werewolf?"

Emris stood there, quiet for a minute before he answered, "My name's Emris. And yeah, is there a problem with being a werewolf?"

Emilio looked shocked, "No! I don't have any problems. Sorry, if I made it seem like I did." Then his face fell and he added in a determined whisper, "I'm not like Lily."

The man sitting next to him put his hand on Emilio's leg, 'Probably to comfort him about this Lily person.' He thought.

"Who's Lily?" Emris asked, confused. The boy, Emilio, looked broken, but Andramadis's eyes went to the man sitting next to him.

He looked furious. "I'm Kaden. And I will not have 'HER' being talked about."

Then he turned to Emilio, "She will not be back. I made sure of that. And don't worry she won't tell anyone about anything."

Emilio now looked horrified, "You didn't kill her?! Did you?!"

Kaden sighed, "No. Sadly. I just Alpha Commanded her to keep her mouth shut."

Emilio relaxed, and turned to Emris, "So why are you here? And why is Kade okay with you on his territory. I mean you're an Alpha. And he should be more on edge with you here than an omega."

Kaden's POV

Kaden took a minute to register what Emilio said, and realized that he wasn't the only one to unconsciously give the other a nickname, but he didn't want to mention it.

"Yeah. What are you doing on my territory?" He said, turning to look between Emris and the other man.

The man at the door walked over to the bed so he was standing behind Emris. "I'm Andramadis. And to tell the truth... we are on the run from..."

He paused, then apparently decided to change the subject, "You said something about you only meeting today. And I know that you said not to talk about the girl... but was she the reason that you left him defenseless, and weak enough that he passed out?" He said gesturing to Emilio, who was just finishing the food on the plate.

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