"Especially if you want to fully connect with them." - Eli

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"Well, Andy, What are you? I mean I know you're an alpha, but I can't place your race."

Andramadis smiled, "I'm a demon. And I'm a Dominate Alpha not a regular Alpha."

Kaden slapped a hand to his chest in mock offence, "Hey, what's wrong with Regular Alphas?"

Andy just shook his head, glancing at Emris, who smiled back. Then he turned and asked, "So Leo. Hmm... What are you doing here? Again Kade said that you had meet today. So why are you here and not at home?"

Emilio's smile fell, and he started answering with a high level of determination, "I don't have a home! I'm not going back! And I left because 'HER' and I had a argument and 'SHE' was gonna..."

He paused, shaking a little before he took a deep breath, and continued, "I just had to leave. Plus, I only had like two weeks left of school, and I'm eighteen. So I can move out."

Kaden slipped his hand around Emilio's back in a hug, and all three men started asking him questions.

"We needed to leave. 'HE' would have killed us, if we hadn't." Eli said, "Do you think we should tell them what happened in the house? I mean they will have to know soon, but should we tell them now or do we wait?"

Emilio ignored the questions that came from the other men and focused on Eli's questions.

Emilio thought that if they told them now the he wouldn't be able to interpret their full reaction, but if he waited then they could get mad for hiding that from them.

But then they all had the ability to go and kill 'HIM'. "Do we really care though? I mean with every thing that happened, do we care that 'HE' can't hurt anyone else?" Eli asked.

Emilio was shocked that that was Eli's opinion, "I mean no, I don't want 'HIM' to hurt anyone else. But 'HE' is still a living being and I don't want to be responsible for 'HIS' death!"

He hadn't realized that he spoke out loud, but the others went silent as they listened to one side of the conversation that was going on.

"You won't be responsible for 'HIS' death. You would have just made it happen sooner." Eli said, he had noted that the others were listening and if he wanted Emilio to tell them than he would keep Emilio's attention on him so he continued to respond out loud.

"I would be responsible for 'HIS' death, if I told them. Have you not noticed that they are already being over protective of me! Plus, I don't want them to worry about me to much. I want to keep some freedom, especially since I just got out." Emilio said, completely oblivious to everything that Eli had just put in his head.

Eli smirked knowing that Emilio was not gonna notice until after this conversation had ended.

"What? You think that just because 'HE' didn't feed us, that they are gonna over feed us?"

Emilio scoffed at that, "No. Well, I can see them doing that. But I'm used to going without food for days, and it will take a lot to get me to eat three meals a day. And don't you dare bring up the basement."

Eli gasped at that, "You're gonna have to come up with a good excuse for the scars then. Especially if you want to fully connect with them. And we have too many to just say that we were depressed or that we're prone to accidents. Also with where they are and the depth and length."

Emilio blushed, "Okay, fully connect really? And just because I have almost the same amount of scar tissue as Oliver Queen, doesn't mean I have to tell them how I got it. It hurts just to think about how I got them. You know phantom pain. And I don't want to focus on the past I want to move onto the future."

Kaden's POV

Kaden was confused when Emilio completely ignored the questions shot at him.

Then when Emilio started talking as if he was answering a question, he realized that Emilio was probably talking to Eli.

Listening to only Emilio's side of the argument was interesting, but Emilio was reveling a lot in his side.

"What I want to know," Zayde said. "Is who is this 'HE' that he keeps on talking about?"

Zayde then went silent again as Emilio said, "No! Why would you even think that?! I don't want to ever go back to 'HIM'. I need to stay as far away as I can. Especially now that I've been gone longer than school. My punishment would be worse than I could probably handle."

At this Kaden both saw and felt the two at the other end of the bed stiffen and go into protective modes as well.

Kaden stood, knocking Emilio out of his conversation with Eli. He could tell from his expression that Emilio hadn't realized that he was talking out loud.

And from what he had been saying he didn't want them to know about whatever he had been arguing with Eli about, but Eli had obviously wanted them to know.

Andy's POV

"Where are you from? Like what was the name of the town?" Andramadis asked abruptly, after a second.

He had come to the same conclusion that Kaden had. He was ready to hunt whoever had hurt Emilio.

"Wow. We can get pretty protective. And we haven't known him longer than a hour. But I am hungry." Kelden, his demon, whispered in his head.

Emilio looked surprised at the question, which wasn't a surprise as it was obvious that he sill hadn't realized that he had been talking out loud, "Um, Calner."

Andramadis turned to look at Emris, who loved studying geography.
Emris also turned to look at him, surprised at the turn in the conversation.

"Calner is a ten day walk from here. Six day drive, as most of the roads curve out of the way."

Looking back at Emilio, Andramadis realized that he looked even more confused.

"But it only took me four days to get here. And if 'SHE' had followed me in her jeep, then she would have had at least a day before she came after me. Meaning 'SHE' had enough time to tell someone about my..." He stopped to look at each of them horrified.

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