"She isn't welcome here!" - Emilio

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"Emilio, you idiot!" He heard when he reached to open the glass case, in the room he decided to wait for Kaden in.

Emilio whipped around, pressing himself against the bookcase behind him, next to the glass case that he had picked the lock to.

"Lily! What are you doing here?! You need to be quiet, at least until Kaden comes back." Emilio said, in a loud whisper.

Lily looked at him like he had grown a second head, "What? Kaden? You trust him! He's a vampire!" Lily looked astonished at him.

Eli was furious, "How dare she say that about my mate! How dare she even think his name! He has only ever been nice, comforting, and protective!"

Emilio agreed with him, but not wanting to reveal the fact that he was mated to a vampire, he just responded with, "What do you mean? I can trust anyone I want. And what does him being a vampire have to do with anything?! I know you don't like them but not all of them are evil!"

Lily was hurt and confused that Emilio was taking the vampires side, "What did he do to you? Did he hurt you? Threaten you?"

Emilio was now the one to be confused tho he was also upset at the thought of someone going against his mate.

"No! Kaden has only helped me! And you have no right to come here, and start accusing him for anything! Stop pretending to be concerned about me! What are you even doing here? You know you're in a vampire's territory. And you were egging him on! What were you gonna do if I wasn't here? Kill him! What did he ever do to you?! Nothing!"

Lily wasn't someone to be astonished often, but Emilio had astonished her four times in the passed fifteen minutes. "You're defending him! How long have you really known him? You aren't even this defensive about me!"

Eli couldn't hold back any longer, he took control. Lily stepped back at the sight of his eyes changing colors.

"Eli, please don't say anything about Kaden being our mate! He could be in danger if she finds out!" Emilio said, he knew that it might come up, and felt the need to protect Kaden.

'Yeah. I don't want to lose my mate.' Eli responded, then turned to Lily, "Okay! First, you shouldn't have followed me! Which I'm assuming you did, considering you are here right now. Second, you have no right to question why I'm defending him. Third, I didn't defend you when you were there, because you could defend yourself. And don't say I didn't because I did, a lot more than you think! And he's not here to defend himself. Forth, He is probably out there protecting us."

Lily's face fell, then she looked at him then tried to change the subject and whispered, "Why did you run?"

Now Eli was beyond, furious.

Lily was getting upset now, as well, "Why, did you really think that I would turn you in for having mate marks?!?! You doubted me! How long have I been your best friend?"

Eli was so mad he was sure that he would hurt her, so he left the room.

Pushing past her, he went into the hall and looking toward the front door he found Kaden leaning against it with one foot propped up on it, smiling softly at him.

Kaden's POV

Kaden was happy that Emilio was defending him and standing up for himself. He had heard the whole conversation but wanted to let Emilio speak for himself.

Zayde was throwing a mini party in his head. But they both agreed not to tell Emilio how long they had been standing there.

Kaden didn't know how he had gone this long without Emilio in his arms, and decided that it had to be fixed. He kicked off the door and crossed to pull Emilio in his arms.

But when he got to the close enough to the door to see Lily and for Lily, who had turned to watch Emilio, to see him, his smile dropped into a blank stare.

"Now that the danger is dealt with, you can leave my territory. And I wouldn't suggest you come back." Kaden said, not keeping the contempt from his voice. He was having a hard time keeping Zayde from taking over.

Because Zayde was not happy that, "This Lily bitch, is too close to my Eli! Get her off my territory! Get her away from my mate!" Kaden was also aware that Lily was too close to Emilio for him to be comfortable and was moving to step closer to him still.

Eli felt Lily move to step closer to him and stepped away and bumped into the side table that was against the stairs. He knocked a vase off the table and it shattered on the floor at his feet.

Lily stepped back away from the glass, and into the room that she had just stepped out of, "Hey, watch it!" She shrieked.

Eli was done with her, but before he could say anything, her face went calm and she decided that she would say something that made Emilio's blood boil.

"Sorry I didn't mean to sound rude, can we go now? I just want to get back home."

Eli was not happy that she was trying to include him in this going home idea of hers! 'Can I send her back? Please!' He asked Emilio. "Sure! You can leave! But I'm not going back with you." Eli told Lily, who looked at him shocked.

"What?" She asked, sounding pretty upset, nope scratch that, mad.

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