"Not another step." - Andramadis

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"As you wish!" Kaden smirked, bringing his hand down on her neck. He picked her up before she fell on the floor and threw her over his shoulder.

Kadens smirk fell into a soft smile as he looked at Emilio, "Just stay in the house, and don't make too much noise. I'll be back soon."

Kaden then walked to the door, giving two last instructions, "Lock it behind me. And if you hear something, whisper my name and hide." Then he closed the door, and was gone.

Emilio didn't have an idea on what to do, but Eli did, "Let's find his room! And before you object, we are tired and he was gonna make us food. Also how often do you think that he cleans any of the other room. Plus he will expect us to explore, just no more picking locks!"

Emilio agreed, that was until he had explored the entire first floor.

And found a total of twelve locked doors, a giant kitchen, six offices (only one of which had anything in it), two ballrooms, three rooms that had dust sheets over the furniture, and four closets.

Meaning that Kaden must spend his time in the office, in the forest, or one of the rooms up stairs. It had taken Emilio about a hour to explore the whole first floor and he was exhausted, from the late night, the excitement, and the exploring.

He decided to not keep track of the rooms he found on the second floor and to just find the room that Kaden used, so he could take a nap.

Emilio was having a hard time keeping his eyes open, and he knew he needed to find a place that he would be okay in and that Kaden would be able to find. When he got to the bottom of the stairs, he looked up and groaned.

His feet felt so heavy that he had trouble getting to the top, but he made it, barely. When he reached the top and looked down the hall, he groaned again. Eli noticed that Emilio was gonna open each door to look for the right one.

But he knew that they would be in trouble if they didn't make it to Kaden's room. So Eli took over and started down the hall, passing most of the doors, much to Emilio's protest.

Then Eli froze, shushing Emilio, he listened, not hearing anything, he slowly continued down the hall. He walked with his back to the wall and kept watching up and down the hall, then he tripped.

Eli winced at the pain that shot through his back and shoulder and at the very loud thump that sounded through the building when he hit the floor. He couldn't move, then he panicked.

Before he passed out from exhaustion, pain, and panic, he saw something blurry run towards him, and felt hands grab him. Then he blacked out with Kaden's name on his lips.

Kaden had ran as quickly as he could, he got to the edge of the forest in about forty minutes and then it took another five to find her jeep, which was exactly where Emilio said it would be.

He set her down in the back seats, and stood there thinking for a minute, deciding that he was gonna protect his mate, he left her with one more alpha command that he knew would take affect even if she was asleep.

"You will go back to where you came from, and not return to this forest. You will not tell anyone where Emilio is, nor will you say anything about me. You will not say anything about what was said to make him leave or stay away. You will not say anything about this command either." With that he slammed the door shut, and turned back to the forest.

Taking a beep breath and letting it out with a, "I'm coming Emilio." Kaden ran.

"Something's wrong! It's too quite! Get back to Emilio! Get back to Eli! Mate! He's in trouble!" Zayde said, after about five minutes.

Kaden felt that something was off too, "Hey, why don't you take over? You can run faster than me." Zayde was overjoyed to take control, and Kaden was right, he did run faster than his human counterpart. He took another twenty minutes to get back to his house, not caring that he was making noise. He was a vampire, and didn't have a human or siren with him this time.

Zayde stopped in the meadow, panting. He snarled at the sight that greeted him. His front door was still on its hinges, but was wide open, and he saw someone running up the stairs.

But that wasn't the only thing that made him mad. It was the sudden smell of blood and the sound of Emilio's quiet, panicked, and pained whimper of "Kaden", that made him run.

Zayde's eyes started pulsing red, as he ran. He ran straight into his house and up the stairs. He was greeted with two addicting scents, other than Emilio's that he just brushed off.

And the view of a man leaning over his mate, examining his mates head. Another man laying dead on the floor, and yet another man leaning over the dead one, holding a bloody knife.

The man with the knife looked at Zayde, and stood, stepping over the body and in between Zayde and Emilio, which was a bad move. The man held the knife out, ready to fight.

The man's face was covered, and he had on a black hood, similar to the man touching Emilio, whos cloak was a grayish green. Zayde took a step forward. "Not another step. Vampire!"

The man hissed. The one examining Emilio also stood, turning and looking at Zayde, he studied him. Then he turned to the one with the knife, "Stand down, Andy. He's trying to protect him. His scent is on him, and I think that his was the name that was called."

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