"You can't just leave!" - Emris

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Andy lowered his arm, wiping his knife on this cloak and putting it in the empty sheath in his belt.

"So he's the other one?" He said, taking his hood off, revealing his black hair. He stepped back, letting Zayde passed.

Zayde looked at them both, then stepped between them picking Emilio up and cradling him in his arms. He looked at the two watching him again, and grabbed the handle of the door he was standing next to.

Opening the door Zayde turned and walked into the room, and crossed to the bed on the other side of the room. Gently placing Emilio on it, and checking him to make sure that he was okay, he pulled the covers over him and turned back to the door.

Both men were standing there, still watching him. Frowning, he walked towards them, they both stepped back so he could exit.

Zayde pulled the door closed when he exited the room and took another deep breath. Which he regretted as soon as he did because of the strong scent of blood.

Gagging, his frown deepened, looking at the dead body. 'Hey, Kade? Can you take over? I'm having a hard enough time not going on a rampage.' Kaden smirked, and took over.

He ignored the other men and crossed to examine the dead body, sighing.

"Well, I did warn you. Except, I wanted to have the privilege to kill you, bummer!" Kaden said, grabbing the arm and dragging the body down the stairs and throwing it into the middle of the meadow.

"Oi!" He yelled, then shut the door, and turned back to the stairs. Noting that there was no blood to clean, he looked to the men who were still watching him. He also noted that they stood closer then side kicks or friends.

"I'm going to the kitchen. If you want to follow to make sure that I don't do anything, then fine. But I still want to know why you are on my territory." Kaden said, before turning and going to the kitchen.

When Kaden got to the kitchen, he went straight for the fridge. He pulled a bowl of jello out and placed it on the island that was between him and the door, of which the men were standing in.

The only thing that was bothering Zayde about them was that he couldn't figure out what they were. The man in the green cloak walked to the bowl, slipped his hood off his light brown hair and looked at the bowl with confusion.

Kaden sighed, grabbed two spoons, placed one on the counter in front of the man then used the other to take a bite of the jello himself.

"Just because I'm a vampire, doesn't mean I don't like food. It just has no effect on me, other than it has a different flavor than blood." He said, with a shrug, turning back to the fridge to grab three eggs and a couple of other ingredients.

He felt Andy walk over to the smaller man, still staring at him. But Zayde wasn't making a fuss, so he wasn't gonna either.

Zayde actually seemed quite content, which was weird for Kaden to feel, because he was normally on edge. Like so normally on edge that it was the first time he felt safe and content in years.

When Kaden was done making the eggs, and putting away the ingredients, he turned to find the bowl, that had had jello in it, was now empty.

He looked up from the bowl to meet the steady gaze of bright blue eyes, and felt Zayde jump around in excitement.

"Mate! He's our mate!" Zayde yelled, then paused, "Wait... these eggs are for Emilio, right?" Kaden just smirked, grabbing the plate with the eggs and headed back up stairs.

"Hey, wait! You can't just leave!" He heard before he left the room. "Then come with me. I have to feed, Leo."

Then he paused, and mumbled, "Well, didn't realize that he's already got a nickname! I only met him this morning." And shaking his head, he again headed up the stairs. Feeling the other men following him.

Getting to his room, he opened the door, crossed to the night stand, and placed the plate on it. Then sat next to Emilio's sleeping form on the bed.

Zayde took over again, and brushed Emilio's white hair to the side of his face. Then gently nudged him, whispering, "Hey, Emilio, Eli. Time to wake up. You need to eat."

Emilio groaned, and shifted, then his eyes shot open, and he jolted up.

Emilio's POV

Seeing that Kaden was the one waking him, Emilio sighed in relief, threw his arms around Kaden, and snuggled into his chest.

He felt safe and warm, in Kadens arms, then he opened his eyes and saw the other men.

"They're not a threat." Eli said, taking in their scents. Emilio looked them over, seeing the knives in the taller mans belt, he shrunk farther into Kaden.

Feeling Kaden chuckle, he noticed their position. He was half in Kadens lap, and was cowering like a kid at the figures in the door. "S-sorry." He mumbled, removing himself from Kaden.

Kaden just smiled, chuckling. "Here. I told you I'd get you some food. And I should've done that before removing that...her." He said, pausing at the end. Then grabbed the plate and handed it to Emilio.

Emilios eyes widened at the food, then his eyes changed color, back to pale blue. "Now I think I'm gonna find that book on the royal family." Kaden said, watching him take a bite.

Emilio looked up at him with confusion. "Your eyes changed color again, when you saw the food." He said trying not to laugh.

"Wait. You said that my eyes changed when I saw the food?" Emilio asked. Kaden nodded, now him being confused, "Why?"

Emilio looked like he was deep in thought for a minute. Then his eyes changed back to green before he answered. Speaking slowly, Emilio asked, "Do your eyes change color when your vampire takes control?"

Kaden looked confused for a second, "Ye... Wait! Your siren can take control?! Well, that actually explains why you gave two different names." He said, nodding his head in understanding.

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