"Someone else is watching us!" - Eli

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"Hey, Eli. Are you a royal?" Kaden asked. "Umm. No, I don't think so. I mean I never met meet my either parents family's. But both of them said they were broke all their lives." Emilio said.

"Oh... Hey, I might have pictures of the last known royals at my house." Kaden said, then paused, "That is if you want to come with me? I won't hurt you."

Eli went crazy, "Yes!!!! Yes, let's go see with him. He might have food!" This last comment was aimed at Emilio, for not eating anything in the past four days.

'Sorry. I kinda was in a hurry.' Emilio apologized to Eli before speaking to Kaden, "I trust you, in saying that you won't hurt me. But I don't want to lug around all this stuff and I'm not leaving it here. And I'm hungry. I at least want to eat something first."

Kaden's POV

Zayde decided then was a good time to tell Kaden that Eli's blood was thin and that he seemed to be really malnourished. 'Why didn't you tell me this sooner?' Kaden asked. Zayde scoffed, "Was that sarcastic or do you want an answer?"

Kaden looked at Emilio and realized that he did look too thin, even for a siren omega. "I have food at my place. And you can take your stuff with you. If you want I can help you carry it." He offered.

"Thanks. That sounds good. Just let me finish packing back up." Emilio said, turning to continue packing but less in a hurry than before.

Zayde took half the control, just so he could study the body of the boy in front of him. The boy was about five and a half feet tall, his hair was white and looked slightly wavy, he was over all the sexiest boy they had seen, minus his weight. But Zayde was determined to fatten him, so he wasn't just skin and bone.

Emilio's POV

Emilio was well aware that Kaden was watching him. And he felt the gaze on his butt a little longer than the rest of his body, which Eli quite enjoyed.

It only took a few minutes to complete the packing of his nest. When he was done he turned to Kaden and handed him his school back pack that he had packed his other books in.

He trusted Kaden to not hurt him but he was still hesitant to trust him not to leave him or to turn him in. Kaden took the bag and put it on without question. Emilio nodded to Kaden to tell him that he was ready.

Kaden nodded back, stood, and walked along the branch passed Emilio and into the next tree, farther into the forest. Emilio followed without a sound.

Walking along the branches that just so happened to make a path, for about an hour. Then he bumped into Kaden who had stopped rather abruptly.

Kaden turned and gripped Emilios arm, putting a finger to his lips, and motioning to him to crouch. Emilio looked at him silently asking, "What is it?" Kaden pointed to the forest floor. Emilio had to lean closer to Kaden to peer around him, what he saw made him shrink farther into Kaden.

Kaden moved the arm that had been griping Emilios arm so his arm was around him in a comforting manner.

Kaden waited a few minutes before slowly standing and helping Emilio stand as well. Kaden gently nudged Emilio to walk in front of him, so he could see him.

Which was a good idea on his part, cause Emilio had only walked for five minutes before he slipped and almost fell off the branch.

Another half hour went of Kaden nudging Emilio to guide him and grabbing him to keep him from falling of the branch he would be on, before he tugged on his arm telling him to stop.

He passed Emilio jumping down out of the tree, turning he held out his arms for Emilio. Emilio smiled at him, and hopped down, into Kaden's waiting arms.

Kaden wasn't expecting Emilio to jump, and was only expecting to be told that he could do it on his own. But Zayde was happy about the fact that Eli trusted them enough to jump into his arms.

Eli was also happy that Emilio had trusted Kaden, but he was also happy because he had actually caught them.

Kaden lead them farther into the trees, and Emilio noticed that the trees were getting thicker. Then Kaden stepped passed a tree, looked back at him, and held out his hand for Emilio to take.

Emilio smiled again, and took the offered hand. Stepping around the tree he saw that he had stepped into a clearing. It was a small meadow that was surrounded by trees on three sides and a fortress (in his eyes) built into a mountain on the forth side. To say he was amazed would be an understatement.

Then he felt that he was being watched, turning he wasn't surprised to find Kaden watching his reaction.

"It's not him! Someone else is watching us!" Eli said urgently, getting ready to take control.

"You okay, Eli?" Kaden asked. Emilio blinked, he hadn't realized that he had frowned at Kaden when Eli said something.

Kaden's POV

"Yeah. Umm, my name is Emilio. And do you live with anyone?" He said, confusing him.

Kaden frowned, "No. Why do you ask..." His question trailed off when Zayde informed him of something he had missed.

"Someone is here with us! I can smell them, and they smell mad." Zayde said, on full alert.

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