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"You gon do it?' Melly asked me. I Nodded my head shrugging.

"Yeah sure what ever it's not hard." I said.

"Okay just kill him whenever you get the chance." Melly said. i nodded my head taking the keys from him. I sighed heavily before grabbing my bag and Leah's as well. I looked back at everyone as I started to walk out the door.

I walked down the stairs to the Benz Melly had got me weeks ago. I threw me and leah's stuff in the back and climbed on the driver's side. "Why we leaving daddy. leah said taking my phone from out the cup holder.

I didn't tell her anything except me and Melly needed time apart. I cranked up the car and began to drive out Melly's yard. I slide looking inot the Review mirror. "What did Lux got me into." I thought to myself.

Lux or luxury is another Personality I have. I decovered i had her but kept it secret from everybody. But i guess the secrets out the bag now.

I drove outta melly's yard and drove tothe address he sent me. He said He bought me and apartment and that Aj will be there waiting for me or some shit.

This ppan kinda weird but I'm just going along with it.

"Mama." Leah said. I glanced over to her and she was holding up my phone. A unknown number was calling me. I nodded my head and she struggled to answer it but she eventually accepted the call.

I connected to the radio and I straightened up in my seat before speaking. "Hello" i said looking straight ahead.

"Hey Ari." Aj voice boomed throught my speaker. I noticed Leah jumped and I laughed a little bit.

"You good ont he road ma." He said. Him calling me "ma." Didnt sit right with me but I had to play along.

I cleared my throat before answering him. "Yes." I eventually replied.

"Okay well ima crash at yo place for a few days dat good with you?." He asked. I rolled my eyes before answeyhim again.


I heard him smack his teeth which made me roll my eyes again. I looked over to leah and she was minding her business. I felt bad putting her through this and i tried to get Melly to take her but he said the plan will only work well if she goes.

So look at here she is tagging along.

"Im almost to the apartment Aj." I said. I heard movement from the other end before i heard a faint "mhm."

"Bae." He said. I scrunched up my face.

"Hmm." I answered.

"You done with melly?" He asked.

Their was a ling pause between us. Nothing was said. I sighed not taking my eyes from the road.

Was I really done with Melly. Yeah he gotta whole girlfriend that Niyah bitch but im not completely over him.

"Ari." Aj voice brought me outta my thought.

"Yeah." I replied.


- Yes yes yes i know this chapter is short. Technically for a reason.... Im actually finna do a time jump to be honest.🙂 promise you will thank me later.

- one or two time jumps will take place but im not quite for sure we jus gonna go with the flow....

- Yall tell me why my nigga jus slammed me on the floor😭😭 we was play fighting but damn nigga strong😭😭

- but anyways hope yall enjoy this<3. I will update multiple times tmrw bare wimme please

- Pleaseee excuse mistakes this is not edited‼️


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